•Chapter 11•

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(Eva's POV)

I couldn't stand to face the guys or Nathan any longer. I left the studio building, And called a taxi. I needed to get back home.

Once I got home I unlocked the door and took off my shoes and went up into my room. I changed into a pink jumper and put on black yoga pants.

Since I haven't spoken to my mum in a while, I grabbed my laptop and logged into Skype. Surprisingly my mum was online. I instantly called her. She picked up right away.

"Hey Mum!!!" I said cheerfully. She smiled widely.

"Hiya sweetie. How's everything going so far?" I sighed and her smile dropped and her facial expression changed as she noticed my sigh.

"Well, I really like this guy. But he was being a bloody jerk, And he said something really special, But moved on to another girl." I heard her sigh. I decided to give her some good news to bring the mood up.

"But anyways. I am going to be touring with THE WANTED!" She smiled happily.

"Really!? That's great sweetheart. Listen... I have to go now, I'm sorry. KEEP ME POSTED ON NEW THINGS!" Mum said.

"Okay. Bye mum, Love you."

"Love you too." She said before she hung up.

*Message Received.*

What? A message? From who?

From: Skylar

Fancy meeting at Starbucks in 10?

Me: Sure!

Not really caring what I looked like, I shoved my hair into a messy ponytail, Put on my pink vans and walked to Starbucks.

I waited until I saw a familiar face. I smiled and ran and gave Skylar a hug.

"Hiya Eva!" He sang.

"Hey Sky!" I said.

We picked a table to sit at and went to buy us our drinks. As I waited for Sky, I saw Six familiar faces that I tried to avoid today.

NO NO NO. There Nathan was, With Ariana.

Sky came back just in time with the drinks. We needed to get the heck outta there. I instantly grabbed his hand and brushed past them only to have someone grab my hand.

"Ah ah ah. No need to be rude now." Nathan said. I scoffed and started to walk again. Only to feel a tug on my hand again.

"Now, You haven't met Ariana properly."

"Uh Eva, You comin'?" Skylar said. Sounding a bit country.

Nathan flared his nostrils and let go. I smirked and walked home with Skylar making jokes along the way.


( Nathan's POV)

Ugh what the hell. Why was he with her? mean yeah, I might have made a slight mistake but seriously? Again!?

Oh if she wanted to do that to me, Two can play at that game.

Was I really Jealous???

EW no I'm not! I've got the perfect girlfriend in the world. And I'll make her see that.

Or am I lying to myself?

I don't know anymore.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Ariana told me that she had gotten the drinks and we were going to the flat.

I looked out the window to see we drove past Eva and that guy. They were laughing their heads off. I growled in jealousy.

I sat silent the whole way back.

When we arrived I stormed out of the car got into the house and sat on the couch waiting for her to arrive. Ariana sat by me.

(Eva's POV)

When me and Skylar arrived at the flat, We said our goodbye's and I walked in only to find Nathan and Ariana snogging.

I silently cursed and walked into the kitchen, Made a meal and ate it in the living room. He sat next to me and I said nothing and continued stuffing my face.

When I was done I went into my room and went to sleep. I was done for today. I'm done with Nathan his plan of making me jealous is going to fail.



I guess this is kinda short. I was running out of ideas ._.

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