the devil in chains

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Saouron was really worried about his Lord.
Even though he knew Melkor wasn't at all easy to defeat he still had this feeling in he's gut.So he decided to go check on him...
He turned into a small bat and flew inside of Olympus
He gasped when he saw Melkor in chains in front of Zeus
Zeus spoke:
"Tell me Melkor...who are you exactly?"
"I am Melkor king of darkness inventor of evil the devil of arda"Melkor roared
Zeus sighed"no...who are you...from what family do you come from?"
"I am the stronger vala that ever walked the middle earth the eldest son of Ilúvatar.The older brother of manwë"he seemed to spit the words out
"Tell me more about this family of yours"zeus spoke
"ENOUGH..I do not see why I should answer a miserable creature like you"melkor roared
"YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME LIKE THIS?"he shot a lightning at Melkor which caused Melkor to flinch in pain and groan but he maneged to speak:"your shots are getting that the best you got?"he mocked
"Get him out of my sight...that's enough for today"zeus robed he's temples
"Didnt think so"melkor smirked

Sauron was shocked from the scene he just witnessed...Melkor was being tortured! He had to come up with a plan to rescue he's stubborn boss..He told him a million times NOT to just burst into Olympus without a plan...But of course he never listened...He knew he couldn't rescue Melkor alone...But perhaps a certain underworld God could be of service...

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