The party

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Chapter 1

"Kenma, let's go! All the girls will be gone if we are too late!" The black haired boy grabs my wrist and drags me to the school lockers. How he still is my best friend is a wonder.

"Fine, fine. Just once, but you'll have to stop dragging me along to everything." I put my shoes on and grab my phone. Kuroo starts walking fast in the opposite direction of my house. Great. I hoped it would be close by. I sigh and follow Kuroo.

"Here it is. Now Kenma, there are a lot or guys too. We will not leave until you succeeded to flirt with one!" He smirks and rings the doorbell. He always says that. And I always end up bringing him to my place because he got drunk again. I am not expecting any difference tonight. I look at the door as a short orange haired boy has opened the door and smiles at us.

"Kuroo you're late as always! Who is the boy next to you?" He takes a step towards me as he keeps staring at me. I turn my head to complain towards Kuroo but he already walked inside the house. I sigh as I look at the orange haired boy. "I'm Kenma." The boy smiles and grabs my hand to shake it. "Hey Kenma!! I am Hinata Shouyou!" He doesn't let go of my hand as he pulls me inside the house. When we finally walk into the living room I see Kuroo already bothering some girls. I awkwardly keep standing here as I look around the room. "Can I get you something to drink Kenma???" Hinata finally lets go of my hand and points at the kitchen. "We have a lot. Maybe you should take a lo-"

"No, thanks." I walk towards the corner of the room. I sit down and start playing a game at my phone.

"You okay?" I look up and see Hinata. "Yeah. Why?" He sits down next to me and looks at my phone.

"You have an expression on your face as if you don't want to be here. " His eyes left the phone and are now focussed on me. "It's not that I wanted to be here." I keep looking at my phone to avoid his eyes. Why does he even care. "Then why are you here? You don't have to be here. The guys here are a little annoying too I must admit!" He chuckles and grabs my hand again. I look up from my phone and see him standing in front of me waiting for me to stand up. I sigh and stand up as he starts walking towards to the stairs. What the hell is he going to do. I follow him upstairs to a room where he shuts the door.

"This is my room. Use it as long as Kuroo wants you to stay! It's quiet and you can do your own thing." He smiles as he lets go of my hand. "Thanks, I guess." I walk to his bed and lay down as I keep looking at my phone. Suddenly I feel something touching my hair. I turn my head and see Hinata sitting next to the bed touching my hair.

"What are you doing?" He eyes stay focussed at my hair.

"Did you dye this?" He keeps touching it and somehow I don't even mind it. Kuroo said if I flirted than we could go. I don't even know how to flirt.


"What's up Puddinghead"

"Kuroo said that we won't leave until I succeed to flirt with someone. I can't flirt." I put my phone away and look at him.

"The girls will leave soon. You don't have much time then." He goes through my hair and smiles.

"Hinata I meant flirting with guys." I put my face in his pillow and groan.

"I am a guy? I can just tell Kuroo that your flirting skills are amazing!" He giggles and finally lets go of my hair.

"First of all. Kuroo will never believe that, since I seriously can't flirt. Second of all, that dark blue haired guy kept looking at you. He will surely kill me if you did that."

Suddenly we hear someone knock on the door. "I'm coming in so put your pants back on!" I recognise Kuroo's voice and look at Hinata. Hinata climbs on my lap and chuckles. The door opens and I hear Kuroo gasp.

"Hinata, take care of my best friend. Kenma I'm so proud of you." Kuroo pretends to cry and slams the door. I look up to Hinata and feel my heart racing.

"Fixed your problem there!" He moves a little on my lap and lays his hand on my chest. If he keeps moving like that then this will go wrong. "Kenma is heart is racing." He chuckles and lays his head on my chest. The movement was too much for me and I can feel myself getting excited. I wrap my hands around Hinata and try to calm down.

"Kenma? Are you getting excited?" He moves up till his face is very close to mine. I bring my lips to his neck and start sucking till there is a huge purple mark. I could feel his breathing getting sharper. I push him away from my face and look away. "Sorry." He gets off my lap and smiles.

"You should come more often." Leaving it with that he turns around and walks downstairs. I lay my hand on my chest and feel that my heart is still racing. Maybe this party wasn't so bad.

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