meet justin

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chapter 2:

*Authors Pov*

Justin drew Bieber sat at home with his "brothers" Chaz, Christian, Twist, Za, and Ryan. they were hitting the club, lights out tonight. it was Ryan's birthday and they had reserved a "party" room for them. now Bieber isn't no stranger to clubs, he hit different clubs every week, but by surprise he has never been to lights out. his friend, Alfredo works there. Bieber is the guy who fucks with girls every night and he's not someone you want to fuck with, but deep inside he's a hopeless romantic. even though he plays around with girls almost every night, he's looking for love. well Bieber doesn't actually know what love feels like. anyways, he is 18, he's starting his senior year of high school and he's the captain of the football team. you can say he's popular, he has girls flirting with him, giving him glares, and shit. but he actually thinks it's extremely annoying, but when he's horny, that's another story. so recap of Justin Drew Bieber, he's popular, hot, captain of the football team, hopeless romantic, and looking for love, but fucks other girls for fun. no this kid is not complicated.

*Justin's pov*

laid back in my gray sweatpants and on my phone playing the Kim kardashian game. "shit! I'm out of energy! i have to finish my date with this girl!" i say irritated. "what's her name?" Chaz asked. "uhh Selena Gomez" i told him. "i know her! she's cool!" Ryan spoke out. "she's mine!" i told him. "nah!" he shot back. "i let you have her today since it's your birthday." i said. "speaking of birthday, when do we get going to the club?" asked by twist. "we leave at 9. i heard it has the best girls there and it's one of the best clubs." i said. "you've never been?" twist asked me. "nope" i replied back. "dude, your life isn't complete without being there!" twist told me. "it's that good?" i asked. "it's life changing" he joked.


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