happy birthday ryan!

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chapter 3:

*selena's pov*

i was in a dressing room with Demi, Lilly, and Taylor. i was wearing http://www.polyvore.com/m/set?.embedder=9373563&.svc=copypaste&id=128476548 because it was almost 10:00 and that's when we have that birthday thing. i sat on couch wearing a long sweatshirt over my "outfit". i was playing BO$$ by fifth harmony. i was on the Kim kardashian game and humming to the music. "so it's Fredo's friends?" asked Demi. "i guess, that's what Danny told me. i didn't know Fredo had friends tbh!" i said as the door opened. "i can hear everything to here!" Fredo shouted into the room. "yeah, yeah! whatever!" Lilly shouted back. "are you fucking serious!?!? I'm out of energy!" i said frustrated. "what are you playing?" Taylor asked. "the Kim Kardashian game" i replied. "I'm on a date with 2 guys right now." i added. "who" Demi asked. "uhm Ryan Butler and Justin Bieber" i replied. "i know them!" Demi told me. Alfredo barged in and sat next to me. "it's so damn crowded and busy! it's gross seeing people sticking tongues down their throats and grinding on each other." he complained. "at least i don't have to strip down in front of guys for money!" he added. "funny.." i said before jumping on him and he laughed. Danny barges in, damn do we get any privacy here? "alright, they're here. go down to room 4" he said. i got up and started to walk out until Danny stopped me. "sweatshirt off.." he said. "fuck you" i whispered to him and he just laughed. I'm the only one who's wearing 2 pieces except Chantel. Demi, Lilly, and Taylor got the ones that cover their stomach and i don't like that my stomach is showing. i took my sweatshirt off and threw it at Fredo. i walked upstairs with my heels making a sound on the floor. i found the room and i waited at the door. i looked inside the room and i saw 6 guys sitting on the couch drinking and having a fun time. "do you want to go in first?" Demi asked me. "no. you go in first. I'll go second." i told her. "okay. don't worry your a natural." she said. "i don't want to be a natural at this." i whined. she hugged me and went into the room. i followed behind and i stood beside a pole with Chantel next to me. "cheer up, gomez" she said. "ugh" i moaned. the lights went out and i stood in front of the pole with my right hand holding onto the pole lower than my right hand, my back arched, and i looked up. when the music started, i was doing varieties of tricks on the pole. now basically the routine for a stripper is pole, dance in front of them, lap dance, make out, and if it gets any farther it's banging time. i was dancing in front of this guy with dirty blonde hair, a black v neck, saggy jeans, and black supras topped off with a gold chain. his hazel brown eyes travelled down my body while i was dancing. I'm not sure if this was the party boy, but he sure was enjoying himself. i swayed my hips to the beat of the music and looked at the other girls and saw the other girls had already gotten onto their laps. "holy shit" i muttered to myself. i sat on the guys lap, it was uneven... his "friend" was popping out! i tried so hard not to laugh, that didn't last long. i giggled "I'm sorry it's just when i sat on you, it was uneven. your friend was eager too come out." i said shyly. "I'm a guy, I'm hormonal!" he explained. "who's birthday is it?" i asked him. "that guy's" he said pointing to some guy making out with Demi. "I'm Justin." he tole me. i was i kinda in shock because a guy I've danced for have NEVER told me their name. the only communication i have with a guy when we're making out or having sex is through moans. "I'm Selena" i answered. "there's this girl i play with on the Kim Kardashian game and her name is Selena." he told me. his name is Justin and i play with a Justin on the game, you do the math. "are you Selena Gomez?" he added. "yup. and are you Justin Bieber?" i asked. "the one and only." he answered. i giggled and we both leaned in. he connected our lips together and they moved into sync. i sat between his legs while we had our heated session. i heard heels clicking and the door open and close. 25 seconds later another couple left and more kept leaving until it was Justin and i left in the room. i pulled away "are we doing....?" i asked him. "if you feel comfortable doing it." he said and i was a lil taken back from his answer. "wow a guy has never said that to me. it's always YES, not 'do you feel comfortable doing it" i told him. "tbh it literally just came out. I've never asked that too a girl before" he told me. "and too answer your question, I'm used to it and i don't feel comfortable doing it, but i basically have too." i said. "why?" he asked. "well that's a story for another time." i answered. "I'm hungry." he spoke. "in what way?" i asked suspiciously giving him a furrowed brow. "like food wise." he answered. "sorry i had to ask! once a guy asked me that and i was like, are you up for Taco Bell or McDonald's? and he was like 'i was talking about the dirty way' then i had to ask ever since." i told him.

*Justin's Pov*

Selena is gorgeous and really funny! it's really hard to see that she's a stripper. if she wasn't, I'd totally date her. but dating former strippers is a lil turn off. "so wanna grab something to eat?" i asked, "sure, anything is better than this dump." she replied. she got off my lap and we walked out. "can i change first?" she asked me. "i like that outfit better tho.." i moaned. "i don't." she replied. she grabbed my hand and pulled me into a room. "this is the "dressing room" we just change and lounge in here" she said laughing. "I'm going too go change and make yourself at home." she added going into a closet and bathroom. i sat down and i went on my phone while she changed. she came out in http://www.polyvore.com/m/set?.embedder=9373563&.svc=copypaste&id=128853118 and she sat next too me. she went on her phone. "so Bieber, where are we eating?" she asked me. "taco bell?" i asked. "LEGGO!!" she screamed. i just laughed. how can a girl be so cute, adorable, smart, and sexy at the same time? i really don't know how that is possible. i got up and so did she until a guy walked in. once i saw his face, i recognized Fredo. "Fredo!!" she shouted into his ear. "what!" he shouted back. "heyyoooo!" she said as she laughed. "you know Fredo?" i asked her. "i practically work with this douche." she replied. "and i work with the stripper" he tole me. i just laughed. "Alfredo Antonio Flores! no selfredo time for 2 weeks!" she spit at him and it just stood there laughing at them. "no! i was so close to you sharing your Oreos with me!" he whined and Selena just giggled. "can i have $20? i need it too stop at the store." she asked him. he searched his pockets. "i have a $50 bill only, lemme check my wallet." he told her. "No! No! the 50 is okay." she said taking the bill, grabbing my hand, and running out the door. we stopped at the top of the stairs. "we can't go through the back because Danny always locks it, so we have too go through the normal way." she told me. "it's pretty crowded, so I'll meet you at the front." she added and she went down the stairs and i followed her. once we reached the bottom, i pulled her back, and stepped in front of her. i grabbed her hand and lead her out of there. it was like a maze full of young and old guys throwing money at strippers. it was basically my environment every night, so it wasn't like overwhelming, i loved the vibe. we made it out and we looked around for a cab. "i can never get a damn cab!" i said frustrated. "watch and learn." she said and put her a loud whistling sound with her fingers. a cab stopped I'm front of us and we got in. "where too?" the cab driver asked. "the nearest Taco Bell" Selena replied to the 40 year old driver.


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so I'm starting a new schedule with my new stories! it's really hard to come up with ideas and wrote long chapters. i know this one isn't that long, but i have a question. the shorter the chapters, i will be able to update a lot. but with long chapters, it'll take a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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