The Dark Knight

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She ran down the corridors, her heartbeat sky rocketing as she reached the room. Halting to a stop as she reached the door, Blaze braced herself.

Hesisantly she knocked, and stepped back as the doors slammed open on their own. Walking in, she fell on her knees and spoke,

"Father, you have summoned me?"

The old man grimaced at the title, he wasn't the father of such abomination,

"Dark Knight, I have a quest for you, prove yourself worthy and you will be honored with the title of my daughter once again."

Her eyes sparkled with hope, she would do anything to be welcomed back by her father, she remembered his pride as she discovered her elements as a young child and his face when he found them still haunted her. 

"I will do whatever it takes Father, what is my quest?" she questioned.

With a grave sigh the old king answered,"Kill the witch, kill her and I shall embrace you as my daughter and heir to the throne."

"It will be my honor to slay the witch, I shall bring you her head!", she rose up with determination in her eyes and left the throne room behind. 

She would kill the witch and become her father's heir.

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