Broken people under a loaded gun.

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I stared bleary eyes up at the clock, I yawned rubbing the tiredness from my eyes before switching off my lamp. Summer school stinks. I Vowed to finish the assignment tomorrow before collapsing on my bed without taking my shoes off.

Just like always my dreams were empty and dark, but somehow comforting, It like how when you were younger and always afraid of the dark, but as you grew older your irrational fear slowly slipped away from you and you found peace in the thing you once feared? Yeah well that’s sorta what it’s like.. only more… well relaxing.

“Aya Maryann Alderstone your better get up out of that bed! The girls are hungry.”

So much for that blissful sleep,eh?

                I sighed opening my reddish brown eyes, meeting the grimy ceiling.

“Yes step mother.” Basically this was a classical Cinderella story, only in a small apartment in Manhattan, and the ‘ugly’ stepsisters adored the living crap out of me, their mother however was always drunk or under the influence of drugs, usually though she’s never home, so good for me. I stood swiftly dressing in a pair of shorts and a baggy shirt. I pinned back my short purplish dyed hair and walked out in my sandals. She slapped me causing an angry red hand print to appear.

“Worthless! You took to long! I’m leaving.. your not going to school today.” I nodded watching her go before moving to the kitchen.

I didn’t hate her, she was just.. lost, you could tell it in her eyes, or that way she moved.

“Move over Squirt I’m making the lovely pancakes.” I giggled at Lily’s bed raggled hair she flashed me a grin and booted me away with her hip humming as she got to work. Amanda moved in reading a file from a manila folder.

“Morning guys.” I smiled.

“morning Manny!” I chirped she ruffled my hair smiling.

“Morning Sugar eyes, I’m heading out guys.”

“Right, I got to leave at umm…. Twelve thirty for that job interview..” I nodded.

“I’ll take care of the house!” .

“Well bye guys.” Amanda hugged me and her sister before walking out .

“well Kiddo I’m going to get ready you can use my laptop to read ok?”

“Thanks!” She smiled nodding.

Lilly and Amanda were nothing like their mother, more like their father Alexander,Lilly looked more like their father. Amanda was the strict one with dirty blond hair grayish green eyes, she was a cop and worked nonstop, Lilly was at first a waitress until she finished college to pursue her dream of becoming a veterinarian, both had high scholarships and graduated at the top of their class.Lilly was more laid back with strawberry blonde hair, green eyes and a small figure.

I sighed happily as I read the news and random articles then moved on to my favorite past time, Manga. I sighed happily as I read the adventures of the boy named Naruto and his adventures as a ninja.

“Ok kiddo I’m heading out lock the door would ya?” I nodded and stood with her closing my tabs I closed and locked the door behind her before beginning to clean. I hummed happily as I worked.

I heard a click and the door opened an hour later. I peered out my eyes widened upon seeing strange people in black clothing enter.

“Che no ones home this time great.” I grabbed my broom and stepped out clutching it to me.

“huh.. Who’re you brat?” the apparent leader snarled. I shook slightly.

“i-it’s Aya..”

“iya? What kind of stupid name is that?” I growled.

“it’s Aya with an ‘A’ you idiot! Leave this property.”

“you little.. AJ.”

“Boss she’s just a ki-“ I heard a loud bang and stumbled back hitting the corner. I slid down and coughed blood dribbling down my chin.

“I-I didn’t agree to this Joshua! You just shot a little girl!”

“Oh shut up and grab the items.”


“DO IT DREW!” I watched as they worked while slowly writing their names in my mind. After they left I stumbled to a notepad, I wrote down the three names shaking as tears and blood dripped onto the page.

“h-help me! I don’t want to die.. please!” I begged praying for anyone to hear me. I heard footsteps coming near an hour later.

“AYA!!” I looked up my eyes widening in shock at who was panicking over me.


“Hang on Aya!” she tugged me close to her as she called an Ambulance. I looked up at her through tear filled eyes.

“i-I tried… but…. At least I cleaned up “ I gave a smile. She had tears fill her eyes again.

“I’m so sorry Aya.. so very sorry.” I  pressed my now bloody notepad into her collarbone.

“ I wrote down the names they said…”

“i-I’ll give it to Amanda..” I nodded. Ignoring the pain and enjoying the comfort of finally having her care for me, to bad it was in my dying moments. I tried I honestly did but I was exhausted.

“I’m.. just going to rest a bit….”

“n-no I can hear the ambulance stay awake! Don’t die! I need more money to pay off my debt YOU NEED TO STAY ALIVE!” Pain hit my heart tears came to my eyes. She didn’t care I was dying.. only that she was losing her money source. With a heavy heart my exhausted soul finally pulled me into the comforting dark.


First ever story :P what do you think? comment and help me find any mistakes if you would eheh, Thanks for reading !


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