Emotionless? Maybe not...

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I kicked a pebble further along the road as I walked beside shinji.


“yes Father?”

“ how did you learn that jutsu?” I frowned faking confusion.

“I’m not sure myself my hands moved as if someone else was grabbing them, my mind supplied the words. Is it odd?” He just tared infront of us with wise words.

“Your to mature for your age child, show your emotions more?” I frowned, my emotions had become lost to me after the…incident.

“Why show the emotions when I can’t feel them?thats giving in to the lie that everything is alright.” He patted my head.

“so very true my child, there  is the gate almost there.” I nodded and he held out his hand. I grabbed it and we walked through the gates, the two men there watched me quizzically. I looked up at them and one sweatdropped.

If I remember correctly this was the back gate.. meaning the front gate was under duty by Izumo and Kotetsu.

“alright kiddo I must get back here as a gift.” I accepted the guan dao, it was green and blueish. I looked up at him a small smile on my face.

“thanks father.” He kissed my forehead and hugged me before leaving.

“Head to the hokage’s office kid, he will show you where to go, don’t cause to much trouble.” I bowed.

“hai, pleasure to make your aquantinces.” I hated what I had become, I went from cheerfull and I’ll admit a bit disrespectful, but now… I had become nothing but a shell of my former self.  The two looked shocked as I left strapping the large weapon to my back. I got odd looks as I walked through the town. I ignored them all.

*slam* I landed on the ground my bag falling to the side causing a picture to slip out. I lifted my head seeing a  boy opposite of me beside a taller one who looked like him.

“My deepest apologies.” I stood picking up my items my hand shaking as I pushed the picture back in my bag. I walked past them before the before shouted something.

“hey wait! You dropped this!” I turned and he handed me my wooden dragon carving.

“thank you.” I said curtly and turned on my heel walking on to the big building with the school attached to it. I walked to the secretary.

“hello there dear! What can I help you with?” she questioned cheerfully.

“I’m here to speak with the hokage about where I will be living from now on, am I to late?” she blinked before checking a paper.


“Aya  Miyuki.” She nodded and smiled slightly awkwardly, I guess I was kinda bringing up an intense aura.

“no just on time go on up.” I nodded

“thank you ma’am.” I walked up the steps and  looked down at the paper before walking up to the door.

“hey kid you heare to see the hokage?” the anbu questioned me. I looked up silently and after a pause.

“hai.” He sweatdropped.

“go on and knock.” I did as told.

“Come in.” Came a gravelly voice I pushed at the door  sighing when it didn’t open before  pushing harder it swung open and I ignored the other people in the room who looked at me in semi shock.

“You must be Aya,” I nodded curtly.

“yes sir.”

“Here, this is a map of the villiage, your key to your apartment, and in the apartment there should be money to pay for any expenses, any questions.”

“will I be attending at the academy sir?” He seemed shocked at my emotion;ess tone.

“yes next week,” I nodded.

“thank you. May I be dismissed.”

“go ahead child.” I nodded and left hating the stares on my back. I got outside and swiftly found the apartment, it was at a rundown area and seemed empty, but one apartment had a boy infront of it sniffling as he wiped away things. I glared harshly at the words, then noticed who he was.

Naruto Uzamaki.

My features softened, he looked quite beat up. I removed my first aid kit and picked him up like a foot ball unlocking my door and ignoring the shivering boy in my arms I tossed my bag on the couch along with my weapon before setting him on a kitchen chair. He seemed wary of me. I cleaned out the wounds silently then held up two boxes and..

“hello kitty or iron man.” I asked seriously he blinked sweatdropping.

“uhh…the iron guy.” I nodded and put it over a couple of wounds before using bigger bandages.

“How do you know how to do this stuff so good? When I try it’s always messed up.

“Because.. I’ve had the same wounds, Aya Miyuki, pleasure to make your aquantance.” He blinked his brow furrowing before he took my outstretched hand shaking it.

“Naruto uzamaki.” Guessing from his looks.. this was way before the storyline.

We sat in silence before I stood my legs cracking. I set my box down and grabbed a rag and watered it down washing away dried dirt, mud and blood.

“There! All better.” I tried to bring a smile tough it came out as a grimace.

“ah.. forgive me.”

“for what?”

“I cannot smile correctly.. I was not grimacing at you.” It was now annoying me I  grabbed his hand and stood infornt of his door beginning to clean off the words.

“hey brat!” I turned a ice cold glare turned on the man it was as if ice  formed and the season changed to snow flying as he froze in fear before running off screaming about demon eyes.

“huh?” I patted Naruto’s fluffy hair and finished cleaning up.

“there. I will take my leave no.. I want to get settled in.” He nodded. I walked into my apartment and began removing dust before collecting the money. It was enough for Groceries,some for Naruto also, and some other essentials. I left after writing a swift list and moved to the market. I bought multiples of everything carrying the bags on my own.

“would you like some help youthful one!?” I jumped and looked up at the man. Gai…. Darn. I pushed off the sense of depression.

“I can handle it sir.” He looked shocked before frowning.

“alright then.” I walked off  making myself not struggle I got home and separated the groceries before knocking on Naruto’s door. He opening it slightly afraid.

“May I come in? I questioned looking down at him. He nodded and I stepped in ignoring the carge I swept the trash off the counter without a care and set the bag down. I glared into the fridge and grabbed a garbage bag throwing spoiled food inside, I swiftly cleaned up without a problem before putting everything away after wiping every spot clean. Naruto sat on the couch watching me. I blinked.

“You need more space..” I  removed a kunai and stapped it into the wall cutting a door way. Naruto’s jaw was dropped.


“b-but…” I forced a smile onto my face.

“I appoint myself as your sister! No choice!” He blinked in shock before hugging me tightly causing us to fall to the ground. I gave out a breath, and felt laughter bubble in my chest before I threw my head back and laughed loudly. Naruto’s laughter joined in. I smiled happily. I felt… alive, this feeling was new, I had no worries.. I was slowly gaining back my old self. Hopefully it will last this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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