Chapter 1 EDITED

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A/N: okay, I know there's a problem with spacing. I tried to correct it n it's still not proper. I dunno what to do.. eventually after a a few chapters the spacing is ok. So yeah, hope u enjoy.

A/N as on 11th sept, 2016:

This story was written by a freaking 17 year old who was always high on coffee! I admit, it is utter crap, it shocks me even when I read it. So I just ask you for patience, as you read the other parts of The Till series, you will see how much I have improved. Okay enjoy!!!

Nadiya fanned her face with her hand. The heat seeped in from the roof of the palanquin in hot waves. Her hair was drenched in sweat, streaming down her forehead and neck. If a month back, someone had said that she would be brought to The Empire Palace, she would've laughed heartily in their face. But the truth had unfolded as such, her brother had been killed in a war. With no source of income and no other relative, she was forced to come to The Great Empire.

Her aunt, a very very cunning and crafty woman had finally ended up in the Empire palace, now ruling the whole West section of the harem. Hearing about Nadiya, she immediately sent men to pick her up.

Nadiya very well knew what she was to do in Palace. She agreed to come to Empire on one condition that she won't be a courtesan or a concubine. She'd just be a dancer.

She stepped out of the palanquin pulling her veil lower to cover her face. The servants lead her to the West Wing of the harem. Her aunt warmly embraced her and led her into a chamber that would fit the whole cottage she had previously lived in.

Her chamber was huge, it held a huge bed and an equally big dressing mirror, her cupboard was already full of dresses and clothes. Her drawers full of jewellery, pearls and precious stones.

It did not faze Nadiya. Sure, it was luxurious but the price in exchange was dignity and pride. Which she held more closer than anything else.

Nadiya stayed inside the harem for a week. She had made a friend, a chatty beautiful courtesan called Veera. She sat on the diwan beside her window sill as Veera looked at her as if she had asked the most offensive question.

"No. You have all your concepts mixed up. We do not sell our pride or honour. We have a very much say in who we choose as our master. Some masters spend loads of gold on us to woo us. You have no idea, Nadiya. The harem is not a brothel, Nadiya darling. It is the property of the King and the princes. They're our masters but that does not mean we can not say No to them. Consent plays a huge role in the harem."

"But isn't it a lonely life? To stay someone else's and them not being yours? To not marry? To hold no desire to be loved?" Nadiya asked her. Veera had no further answers. It was the truth, no one married a courtesan, the most a woman from the west wing could go was to be a mistress.


"Shehzaade! Shehzaade!..."

Echoes echoed through out the corridor, behind the sturdy footsteps were the fumbling footsteps of a woman. He looked back through the curtain of his black hair and his dimples flashed in a heart stealing smile.

Zarina fumbling with her veil and floor length skirt almost tripped, "Oh I can't! I just can't." Just then a group of guards turned around the corner to the corridor. The prince had pushed past all of them, making some of them stumble, a couple fell to the ground. All it fuelled his laughter.

"Stop him! He's going to jump off the balcony!"

Before the voice of the panic stricken woman could reach their ears, she saw him already climbing the marble parapet. He spread his arms wide open and jumped gracefully. Zarina's screams echoed as she froze seeing empty parapet, her legs then picked up speed as she pushed past the crowd of guards and leaned down the parapet. That's when she heart the loud splash, her sombre face graced with the droplets from below.

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