Chapter 10

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For the whole day, Jellal was tugged, scrubbed, shaved, etc. It did feel good to be back home after a long long time. He was given a nice hot bath. He ate the first legit food after a year. He had endless amount of visitors that day who brought endless gifts for him. Some congratulated him, some welcomed him.

All in all he was a happy man. He waited in anticipation for the time to meet her. She was just across his chambers. Atlast he arrived at court, where his father descended from the throne to embrace him. It was quite an honorable moment for him.

And then his father did something that ruined his whole day. He announced that his son will be married to Ada by end of this month. Though, he was worried, he had to put on a smile for his father's sake.

He shook his head, this was growing into a mess.


"Do as I say!" She screeched to the scrawny man.

"But.. but..lady..."

"No buts! Don't you know who I am? I'm going to be the Imperial Princess and future Empress. You do as I say!"

"Okay..." The scrawny man muttered.

Ada smiled viciously. She'd done what she wanted, thrown that wench out of the way.


Jellal fumed at the letter in hand! How dare she? Morever, how stupid had he been? What'd he expect? She's a concubine! Ofcourse she did this! He crumpled the letter. In it she had written about how she had found immense satisfaction and pleasure in Salim's company and she's like to be in his service!

Jellal threw the crumpled paper.

"Guards!" He yelled.

He actually thought she had feelings for him too. And now she'd proved that she truly was a whore.


Nadiya waited and waited for him to call her or him to show up. But he didn't. 'He's a prince, he might be busy..' She consoled herself. She didn't even see him in the hallways anymore.

By and by a week had passed. She missed him more and more as each moon passed by. But that wasn't her main concern now. She's heard the marriage announcement made by the emperor and even that didn't bother her. What bothered her was her guard telling him that she was no longer the prince's mistress. Her things were packed into trunks again. As she was sent to the harem again.

Anger coursed through her veins. He didn't even have the guts to tell this to her face. He sent a servant to do it. She felt like pouring her heart out.

Now she sat in her old chamber confused and sad. And in that moment, her aunt entered the chambers. She wiped her tears and rolled her eyes. Surprisingly, her aunt grabbed the comb and brushed her long hair.

"Men are like that... just when we think... they're affectionate and won't leave us... In that moment they will might abandon us. I know how you feel. Betrayed. But you were foolish too... to trust a man..."

Nadiya couldn't believe her ears. Her aunt was for once acting like a mother.

"And that's why you should know to move on with time..."

She braided her long tresses and stood in front of her.

"Prince Salim has called for you. This is our life, Nadiya.."

And there it is. Prince Salim had called for her and that's why she had acted. Her palms began to sweat. She had totally forgotten about that imbecile. Oh Lord! How in heavens was she supposed to avoid him?


She stood in dread outside of his chambers. Finally, the doors opened and he let her in. The bed had a silk duvet over it and smell of burned oil from the lamps suffocated her.

He stood there, shirtless, oil covered his torso.

"Prince Salim..." She stuttered.

"Please.... Leave me be... I'm a virgin!" Her voice cracked.

Salim smirked and rubbed his stubble. He held her wrist and forced his lips on her.

She struggled and pushed him away. This angered him and he pulled his hand back and slapped her cheek. She stumbled back. Tears flowed from her eyes. He grabbed her hair next and forced her to look at him.

"You will not resist me! I paid for you!"

She let out a sob as he dragged her by her hair and pushed her on the bed. Tears flowed continuously from her eyes. She closed her eyes in anticipation that it'd be over soon.


Jellal couldn't sleep that night. An unsettling fear set in his stomach. He felt uneasy for some sort of reason. He sat up and grabbed the silver jug and poured himself a tumblr of water.

He frowned as he heard muffled screams from outside his door. Why was there so much commotion? He went upto his door and he could hear the voices clearly.

"Let me in! I need to speak to him!" It was a female voice.

He opened the door to find his guards blocking a disheveled looking Nadiya.

"What's going in?" He asked his eyes solely trained on her.


He kicked her out as soon as he was done with her.

"You know... you're not that pleasurable!" He said after taking her virtue without her conset. "What are you looking at? Now get out!" He sneered disgusted.

Nadiya got out of the room. Though the area between her legs ached, she walked towards his chambers. She stumbled from pillal to pillar. She wanted to confront him! He said he'd always protect her!

She argued with the guards. They tried stopping her. She insisted that she wanted to see him! And all heads turned when the door opened from inside.


He dismissed both his guards. He took in her appearance, she walked with a limp, her hair disheveled, her khol ran down her eyes and her clothes obviously ripped. Concern flooded him.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? You! You are the reason this happened!" Tears streamed her eyes and her voice was raspy.

"Nadiya... What happened?" He was alarmed now. Something obviously went wrong!

"I'll tell you what happened! I was taken by your brother! Against my will! That is what happened!" She yelled between sobs.

He stood there with widened eyes. How? What? But the letter...

"You... you promised to protect me! You promised to never let anyone treat me like a whore! What have you to say now?!"

His heart tore to see her like this. He moved in closer to comfort her.

"Don't touch me! Don't you dare touch me!" She shrieked and moved back.

"What have I ever done wrong? Why did you do this? Why did you remove me from the position of your mistress? And you pathetic bastard! You didn't even warn me! You just abandoned me!"

She sobbed harder. She lost the strength to stand as she fell down with a thud! She covered her face and sobbed harder. She was ruined! Once and for all.

Jellal stood there. His heart ripped into shreds with every sob that left her mouth. He couldn't answer a single question of hers. He stood there as everything became clear to him. She wasn't the one who sent the letter. He felt like jumping off a cliff for not confronting her and making decisions in a haste.


A/N : This was a very difficult chapter to write. Please vote and comment!

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