Chapter One

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It's been two whole months since my encounter with Beast Boy. I knew it was him, but I didn't want him to know it was me. It felt like just yesterday I saved the world after I had almost ended it. I knew Beast Boy wanted me back, but I couldn't go back. I don't think I would be able to deal with the constant reminders that I almost killed all of them if I joined again. That's why I pretended to be clueless. It broke my heart to see Beast Boy trying to help me, but I would never go back. It was just another place where I screwed up, another place where people hated me, and another place where I caused misery. I was stupid to think that if I became a hero everyone would like me and I would actually fit in. I don't fit anywhere in this world though. 

I would have ran away as soon as I got transformed back, but some part of me still wanted to stay here. I decided to go to school, but as soon as I was finished I would leave. That all changed when Beast Boy spotted and confronted me. I knew I would have to leave sooner than I wanted to. I didn't want to risk being seen by all the Teen Titans. I've been stalling for more time though. I still wanted to stay. This is the only place that I've stayed so long. Then again, this is the only place I've made such a big mess. With that thought in mind I finally made my decision, I was leaving tonight.

I packed all the clothes, food, and water that I could fit into my backpack. Then I strapped a sleeping bag with a pillow in it on my backpack. I hardly used it, but sometimes I liked to sit on it and lean my head back, feeling a pillow instead of a rock. Most of the times when I ran away, I didn't have time to grab a pillow, much less a sleeping bag. I was too busy trying to run away from the law to think about comfort. Now I was only running away from my problems. I've learned that it works better that way. You don't have to have to face your problems as long as you keep running. That's what I've been doing since the day of the accident. The day I learned what it truly felt to be alone. I still remember every little detail that happened on that day. Some days I wish I could have forgotten all of it, other days, it's the only thing that keeps me moving.

I was eight when it all started. It was the day I got my powers. My parents always knew I would have the powers of the earth, that was why I was named Terra. I never found out how they knew though.  They didn't have powers themselves and neither did my eleven year old sister, Aerith. I wish I could have found out, but they were always so secretive.

The day I got my powers felt like an absolute blessing. I thought I would be able to help people and become a superhero. Now that I've grown up, I realize that my powers were nothing short of a curse. My parents warned me to keep my powers a secret from others. They knew I wasn't ready to use them correctly, but I didn't listen.  As soon as I got to school I told my best friends Emma and Aliza. Of course they didn't believe me, they wanted proof. I told them I would show them at recess. 

When recess came, I prepared myself to show my friends my powers. My parents told me all about the powers I would get ever since I was three. They told me my powers would appear around the ages of 8-10. I'm glad I got my powers early, that way I can practice. I knew all I would have to do was move a small piece of Earth to convince them. What I didn't know was that I was capable of much more.


Did you guys love it or hate it? I don't want to continue if it's bad. Again, this is my first ever story so easy on any criticism. Updates Will also be shaky if I continue. Hope you enjoyed!

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