Taehyung 7

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It's about to get real soft and mushy, prepare yourselves! :)

Three Months Later    (owo an unexpected time skip)

"Taehyung, hurry up!" Jungkook calls, shivering in the cold.

"One more!" I yell back, not looking up from my phone. I focus the lens of my phone camera onto the leaf of a bush that's covered in frost and turn it at a specific angle. After about twenty seconds of meticulously positioning my camera, I snap a picture, satisfied. I exhale, which forms a wispy cloud in the air, and hurriedly run back to Jungkook while stuffing my now frozen fingers into my pockets.

"Aish, you made me wait forever," Jungkook complains, moving a little closer to me. "Why is December always so cold?" I smile fondly at Jungkook's cute little pout and reddened nose, and slip his hand into my pocket to hold. He doesn't resist; we've been feeling way more comfortable around each other after dating for three months.

We finally enter a restaurant called Trinity, a blast of warm air welcoming us, and I sigh in satisfaction due to the much needed heat.

"Welcome!" A woman at the front says, "Reservation name?"

"Kim Taehyung," I respond, giving Jungkook, who is staring around the restaurant in awe, a glance.

"Right this way," the woman replies almost immediately.

"Taehyung! This place is too fancy," Jungkook says in a panicked whisper while trailing behind me. "You should have told me to wear something nicer!" 

"Enjoy!" The woman says after we settle down into a booth near the back of the restaurant.

"What do you mean?" I ask, feigning confusion and tilting my head. "You look perfect."

Jungkook blushes and looks away, while I prop my head on my palm and stare at his blush admiringly. 

"W-we should probably order," Jungkook says.

I realize that I've been staring at him for about thirty seconds already so I agree. "Right."

After ordering, Jungkook turns to me and playfully glares. "Tae, this place is too expensive."

My stomach flutters with butterflies at his use of the nickname. I give him a boxy grin and hold up my wallet, "I've got the cash. Besides, anything for you, my darling."

Jungkook rolls his eyes and mutters, "rich people," but smiles.

Suddenly, I lean forward. "Tell me about your family."

Jungkook stares at me, startled. "We've never really talked about that topic before..."

"Exactly, so tell me," I press on.

Jungkook gives in (I mean, who could ever say no to me?) and begins, "Well, I have an older brother... his name is Jung-hyun. He's the one who calls me almost every night and the guy you got jealous over that one time last month," Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows at me. "But come to think of it, he hasn't called in over a week, which is weird. He's like a mother to me and he's really overprotective."

"Your brother seems like a great guy," I smile. "What about your parents?"

Jungkook hesitates, "They... died when I was around thirteen. I don't even know how. I was just going home one day like I normally would, and when I opened the door, hyung was there, crying. He had two suitcases and said that we had to leave at that very moment and when I asked why, he told me that our parents were dead. It all happened so fast that I didn't even have time to cry or mourn. Since that day, it's just been me and him."

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