chapter 2: you again?

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"anak, if you do not get your butt up this instant, you'll be late!"

i groaned in response. school? why do we need school? fuck that, i'll sell drugs instead.

i lazily got up and did my EXTREMELY LONG morning routine. puberty and my oily skin made me have such stubborn acne, so i had to really take care of my skin. after, i changed into some mom jeans and a plain red tshirt. i didn't have anyone to impress, so a casual outfit seemed fine for the first day.

i hopped down the stairs, and grabbed some bread and nutella. i made three sandwiches, because duh , it's nutella. did i really have to explain myself?

"jeanne, get in the car now! my goodness anak, you're going to give me a headache."

"okay ma, i'm coming," i grumbled in response.

school, i thought, you better treat me well.


i hopped down the car and walked through the entrance. i'm only a freshman, so i still haven't
grasped to the idea of high school. i missed my friends back home in the bay area.

a girl with long hair saw me and started to walk towards me. she was extremely pretty with clear skin, and a fit body. i was scared that she might be one of those cliche mean girls , so i hurried the other way and luckily spotted a restroom. i walked in and hoped she wouldn't come in.

i was staring at myself in the mirror. i dont look to bad i thought. i had a simple outfit with a simple makeup look, so i didn't stand out too much. i was about to leave when the door opened.

"you." the same girl i saw earlier said to me. i gulped down. i really wasn't ready to be made fun of, so i gathered up some confidence and began to muster a sentence.

"hey look. i'm new here, but does it matter because all the freshmen are new here? i'm sure that you're probably a girl who loves to be popular but i'm not in the mood for some taunting. so go away please?"

she looked at me, and began to laugh. oh god i knew this was going to backfire. she grabbed onto my shoulder and shuffled me again to the mirror.

"hi, im tatiana. you can call me tati for short. i'm a freshman too and you seemed lost. i just wanted to know if i could be a friend or an acquaintance to you?"

i facepalmed and covered my face. goodness jeanne, she was only being nice and you took it the wrong way. i started to whisper to myself how stupid i am, when two hands began to pull my hands down.

"hey, i get it. we all mess up. but here let's go out of the restroom and talk more. i'll even introduce you to my friends."

i was still too embarrassed to speak, so i nodded. i followed her outside the restroom and to the outside campus. there i saw a group of six people.

"come on, don't be shy. they'll like you." she grabbed me by the hand and dragged me towards them.

"guys, meet jeanne..."

"oh, my last name is walker."

"she's new here, and seemed lost when i saw her earlier. think we can let her hang with us for now?"

i heard a few yea's and sure's. i smiled at them, and looked around. i felt a presence behind me and turned around. my eyes met with familiar brown ones. when i realized who it was, i gasped.

"nice to see you again, bay area girl."

*** author's note
hey guys, so just something i forgot to add was that i am going to change everyones age to be the same, bailey will be older, sean and kenneth will be younger, you get the idea. like i said im still bad when it comes to this, and also trying to format my writing so please bear w me!
please leave any recommendations when it comes to formatting my paragraphs and dialogues :))

thanks for reading,

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