Prince!Adrien x Tsundere!Peasant!Reader

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I slid outside towards the outdoor throne. I stood by it and eyed the carriages wearily that were coming in.
"So why exactly am I standing here? Shouldn't I be standing inside? Like a normal person?"

I asked the prince. He laughed.

"With you here most girls can know there no chance for them."

Adrien replied grinning. My face turned beat red.

"Sh-shut up. Th-thats not nice."

I stuttered. 

He grinned and winked at me. I huffed and crossed my arms. Suddenly a carriage pulled in.

A girl with hair similar to Rachel's, but ombre style came out of the carriage.

She looked like she did not want to be there.

"Her royal Highness Persphone Willow!"

A guard declared as she made her way up the steps.

She curtsied for Adrien but only looked at me.

I waved shyly and I felt an intimate aura surrounding her.

Her bright blue eyes locked onto mine and she looked away, walking into the palace.

Another one rolled up, a girl I recognized from a neighboring village stepped out.

"Marrinette Dupen-Cheng!"

The blue haired girl giggled and curtsied in front of Adrien before bashfully running into the palace.

After a while of this Adrien sent me inside.

"Miss. Blaze!"

I heard Bridget yell and run down the hall to me.

I turned and saw her pointing to a room I just passed.

"You're supposed to be in there Y/n..."

She whispered quietly.

I nodded and stepped inside to find all the previous girls inside.

I awkwardly sat next to Persephone and twiddled with my fingers.

I got the gist she wasn't much younger then I was, 15.

"Hello I'm Rachel."

I say and stick out my hand.

She looked my hand over and then shook it, sighing.


I nod and see Mari talking to who seems like a lady in waiting.

I wanted to trust someone else other then Bridget so I whispered to the Strawberry blonde.

"Can you keep a secret?"

She scoffed but leaned to listen.

"My name is Y/n L/n and I was brought here sorta against my will so if you want the prince you can have him."

Persephone's face softened and she smiled at me.

"That's okay, I was forced to come here anyway. What do you want me to call you around the others?"

"Just Rachel will do but when we're by ourselves call me Y/n."

She smiled and nodded.

Bridget came in and took the village girls to see if they had royal blood, like she did with me.

Persephone and I chatted softly for a while until Adrien came in and started talking.

"Hello Ladies, I am Adrien Agreste and I am glad you all could make it."

I heard dreamy sighs from some other girls and I rolled my eyes.

Lily, the maid that hates me, came in and smiled kindly at the other girls but glared at me.

Persephone raised an eyebrow and looked at me, I shrugged and we continued to listen.

"Lily will be showing you girls to your rooms. Some will be shared."

We got up and went down the halls to where my room already was and Lily pointed to my room.

"Rachel and Persephone."

We smiled at each other and made pour way to our room.

"Woah, was this already your room?"

"Yeah. I'm glad I didn't have to share with some prince obsessed princess."

I joked and flipped my hair.

"Oh Prince Adrien, I love you so!"

We giggled and she threw a pillow at me when Bridget came in.

"Miss. Blaze, Miss. Willow."

"Its okay Bri Bri I told her and we both don't care."

She beamed.

"Yay now I don't have to sound so proper 24/7."

She plopped onto my bed and hugged a pillow.

"Persephone this is Bridget, she is a knight and sorta my protector at this moment so she's cool."

The blonde nodded and pointed to Bridget's face.

"Yay someone with freckles finally!"

Yoooo sorry for the wait for the next part of this and such, Persephone Willow is an OC made by a fan and I personally love her.

SpaceDad101 thanks for giving me your beautiful OC!

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