Coming Out (Septiceyes X Reader)

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There's no warnings for this chapter! Enjoy this one!

Today was the day.
That being the day you planned to come out of the closet, not that your closet was very private to the likes of some of your ego friends. You had figured out that you were gay (popping in to say that you can change this to poly, pan, bi, whatever sexuality needed. I'm intending this for general sexualities but I'm going general and mainstream by saying gay-) a pretty long time ago, but you'd always been very...nervous on the topic. You looked in the mirror, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt, sighing as you opened the door to your bedroom.

You could hear them downstairs, all arranged in the living room or in the nearby kitchen to do their own things. You closed the door gently behind you, hesitating before going downstairs. You could be doing something else right now, but your legs forced you downstairs. You felt your hands sweating.

Slowly as you walked into the living room, you began to see the egos look at you, seeming confused as to why they'd been arranged in here.

"Why did you call us in here again, lassie/laddie?" Jack asked from his position behind the couch, gently resting an arm on Robbie's head, which carried a confused expression as well.

"I, ah..." You began, not sure where to find the words anymore. It's simple, just say it. 'Guys, I'm a fucking homosexual. You thought, almost chuckling at the irony of it. You took a small breath.

"I called you guys in here because I wanted you all here for me to say it," You began quietly. Your eyes began to fill with tears, but you easily pushed them down. It shouldn't be that hard to say the simple words? "I had an announcement to make. I'm gay. I'm homo," You said quickly, your face heating up in embarrassment. You felt their eyes on you. You didn't know what was worse, the fact that no one had reacted yet, the fact that everyone was just looking at you, or the fact that you yourself couldn't make any reaction out of what you'd just said.

As your eyes began to fill with tears when you realized that they might not actually like you anymore, you felt yourself nearly tackled with a hug from behind. You recognized the confident voice as Jackie. He let out a chuckle, shaking his head.

"Y/N! We don't mind that you're gay!" He said, his expression seeming to tell the truth as he ruffled my hair, keeping a reassuring arm around me.

"It's a surprise none the less, though, mate!" You heard Angus say from your side, leaving you to feel your face heat up as you chuckled and looked down, feeling yourself surrounded by your friends, all of them wrapping your arms around each other and you for a group embrace. You could have sworn you even heard Anti's mumbled protests as he included himself.

"We support ya, Y/N!" Marvin chimed, gently patting your shoulder.

"I know, I know.." You said quietly in relief. To be honest you hadn't expected much of a reaction. More like you didn't know how they would've reacted anyways.

"We all love ya, Y/N!" Sean said.

And it ended the conversation with that. After a while you guys ended up finding some movies and watching them on the couch.

It is nice to have your support, though.

B O N U S!

"Y/N!" You heard Anti yell from downstairs. You huffed, believing it to be one of his jokes again. You travelled downstairs, answering his call as you entered the kitchen.

"What did you want?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at him as he had a lightly curious look on his face. The look in his eye concerned you.

"Do you happen to have a girlfriend/boyfriend?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow himself as your face heated up immensely in embarrassment. You had an interest, but...did he know who?

"We're not having this conversation today!" You said loudly, putting your hands up defensively as you turned and walked away, leaving the Irish tinted demon to walk after you.

"Aww, c'mon! I know who you wanna hook up wiitthh!~" He said teasingly, making you whine a small bit.

"JACK, I NEED HELP!" you yelled, your face quickly turning red out of the embarrassment.

"Pray to God!" You heard the accented man yell in response.

What a response. You could only pray to god it would go well, then.

Meanwhile, Anti smirked behind you.

He was smart enough to know how to get you a partner with your crush.

A h a this idea didn't work as well as I wanted it to but it's all I have completed out of the pre written chapters-- Y a      y--

Lmao anyone who wants to c a n put requests down below-

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