Mistakes (Septiceyes X Abused Reader)

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This chapter has a warning for mental trauma, which will include a flashback and possible things like anxiety attacks and PTSD like symptons-- As well as domestic abuse and mentions of it.

You felt the small tingle of sense as you fell to your knees, your hands slamming over your ears as you growled. Your sight was failing you.

The disappointed look of of the grizzled old man that stood above you, broken bottle in hand. The scent of alcohol on his breath as you whimpered in fear. Your hands on his chest in a feeble attempt to push him off of you.

"Y/N?" You heard an unfamiliar voice faintly surrounding your ears through what was happening.

Too loud, you thought. That's too loud!

"Y/N, listen!" You recognized an Irish accent. In a weird way, your vision  got back to normal, to see a concerned looking Jackie in front of you, his hands resting on your shoulders.

It freaked you out. He was touching you. The way he did. Jackie was probably going to hurt you.

"Get away from me!" You squeaked out quickly, your survival instincts kicking in as you swung your legs at him wildly, managing to kick him as he grunted in pain and backed away from you.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" Jackie asked, his eyebrows tightening in confusion as he looked at hid frightened friend.

"Get away from me, you're gonna hurt me!" You yelled out, half way startling Marvin and Angus from their rightful places not to far away. You stood up, your legs shaking as you backed away. Your throat felt dry, your hands sweating as you looked at him in fear. His job was dealing with crime, he could easily hurt you.

As he stepped closer to you, you seemed to snap. You turned on your heel, spotting and running towards the front door. It didn't take long for the feel of someone grabbing your arm, securely pinning you down. "-N! Calm the fuck down!" You heard a different Irish tinted voice, this one lightly glitchy in tone.

You felt someone's arms wrapping around you, you recognizing them as Marvin's, and growled gently as he held you in place, leaving you to squirm and pound at his chest weakly until you gave up, your tears staining his shirt as you calmed your breathing gradually.

In a small blur, next thing you knew you were on Anti's lap, Chase himself trying to explain what had happened.
"She was freaking out for no reason," He continued fretfully. "But we never knew anything was wrong. It was like she snapped..." his sentence dragging off as he raised his head and rested his orbs on your E/C ones.

"Y/N.." He spoke in a stern warning tone you knew well. You often called it Chase's dad mode, since he did sometimes have the urgency to take care of someone else like his own.

"I-It was nothing!" You tried to excuse it, but no one seemed to be having it. You felt Robbie's arms wrap themselves around you as well as Anti's despite his verbal protests sounding from behind you.

"Robbie...wants to know what hurt friend..." He said quietly, his slow words calming you a little bit.

You couldn't resist Robbie, so you decided to tell them your troubles anyways. It did lead to an explanation of how they'd stumbled upon you anyways, your tired self with a backpack of belongings.

You had been kicked out of your house after you finally snapped back at your parents. Mainly your father and his girlfriend, since your mom had divorced him. You had never told anyone about the normal routine of him hitting and verbally attacking you, mocking your every move, critiquing everything you did.

Your sentence cut off after a small bit as your eyes filled with tears, unable to catch any more words to describe the experiences. Robbie only pulled you into a tighter hug at that.

"Robbie...sorry for Y/N.." He mumbled, the other boys humming in agreement.

"I swear, if we had found him somewhere..." You heard Jackie mutter, leaving you to shake your head in light amusement. You furiously blinked the tears away.

Jack sighed from beside you, gently moving Robbie to ruffle your hair. "Well then...at least you're calm now." He said.

After that, you guys snuggled up, F/F in hand for dinner later on as you watched Netflix the rest of the night.

You felt some of their arms around you as you fell asleep hours later.

            A/N- Lmao this sucks but I want more than one one shot-- I have way a y to many drafts for my liking and I need to s h o v e em out

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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