Chapter One

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 Obviously this is a work of fiction based off of the Marvel characters with some original characters thrown in. No copyright infringement intended. This is for fun and nothing more.

If you enjoy reading, please comment!!!

AUTHORS UPDATE: Dec 28, 2013

I changed the story quite a bit, added some things, took some things away and have changed the direction of the story. Hope you enjoy the changes and story. Chapter 2 should be up in the next 24-48 hours!!!

Chapter 1

 I gazed warily at the man sitting in the front seat of the van. He’d said very little since he’d pulled me from my office, telling me that I was needed downstairs. He was familiar looking and I thought I'd seen him in the office before so I went. At the time he was wearing a security badge and a black suit. He looked official enough to me. The office building I worked in was 48 floors and I didn’t know everyone that worked there. How could I have known that he wasn’t security? Now I was sitting behind him in a van heading to God only knew where.

Maybe when we reached the lobby of the building I should have known something wasn't quite right, but he looked official and very pissed. Who was I to question him? It wasn’t until we were outside and he grabbed my arm, ushering me quickly toward a waiting white van that I knew that things were way wrong. I instantly began to question him, trying to free my arm.

“Get in the van Ms. Reynolds, we don't want to make a scene.” he smiled over at me as he opened the door, motioning me in to the small bench seat along the wall of the van.

I found myself watching him, watching his movements as he looked to the woman who drove the van, then back to me. He jerked his tie loose and then his top button as herslammed my door closed, then jumped into the front seat.

“What is going on? Who are you and where are we going?”

“Can you stop asking questions?”

He kept checking every direction as as the van lurched forward, like he was watching out for someone or something.

The one thing that had thrown me off about it all was the fact that they weren’t trying to tie me up, or anything. Aren’t kidnappers supposed to tie you up? I was told to sit down and hang on.

The van lurched from the curb and then a corner fast enough that I had to grab the seatbelt next to me to keep from falling. In the process I managed to hit my head on the side of the van. The tires squealed and I knew we were going much faster than I previously thought.

The man turned to look at me once more and I noticed just how green his eyes were. He faced forward again without saying anything and I was left wondering what the hell was going on.

We took another fast turn and I nearly fell from where I sat. It was only by grabbing onto the back of the seat in front of me that I was able to stay upright. I started to ask another question but at almost the same time, it sounded like an explosion went off behind us.

“Tasha, you have to get us off this road.” His voice was so calm, like this was an every day occurrence with them. He moved out of his seat and into the back with me. He reached down beside me and grabbed a bag, pulling a gun from it as he crawled back into the front seat. Seeing the gun sent me into full panic mode.

“What’s happening?”

“Reynolds I need you to stay down and shut up!”

The look on his face was serious and concerned. I wasn’t about to argue with him. I dropped to the floor of the van at about the same time bullets began to hit the back doors and the side. Paint chips flew and hit the floor around me and into my hair.

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