Chapter Five- Steve

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Authors note: Due to feedback, this is where the story is going to change. I'm going to do two different versions, one with Alaina and Steve and one with Alaina and Clint. Sort of a choose your hero :) Each Chapter title will be followed by who Alaina is with. Hope you enjoy this little adventure as much as I am.


I barely had time to think before Steve had my hand and was pulling me toward the hall. There was a large boom and then the wall of windows of the living room exploded in a shower of glass, spraying out in every direction. Steve had turned his back to the window, shielding me from the brunt of it but I still felt it on my arms and legs, like small pin pricks.

“Cap, get her out of here!” Clint yelled as Tasha threw him a bag. I didn't see much more before Steve guided me down the hall. Gunfire erupted behind us and I covered my head instinctively. I couldn't understand why he was taking me toward the bedrooms, how the hell were we going to get out of the apartment?

“What about Clint and Tasha?” I yelled as he pulled me toward the walk in closet.

“Don't worry about them, they'll be fine. Come on” he said as he shoved the clothes aside and there was a handle and a door that I would have never seen even if I looked for it. We were in a stairwell that had a very narrow staircase lit with red lights. This way out had been created just for purposes like this. He pulled it closed behind us and turned, grabbing my arms.

“Whatever I tell you to do, you do it. No questions, alright?” I nodded, unable to do much more. He grabbed my hand and we started down the stairs. He was much faster than me and I almost fell several times.

“Come on Alaina, we have to move!”

I didn't know how I was keeping up with him and I was also beginning to wonder just how far up we were. All I could hear were the sound of our bare feet and heavy breathing as we circled our way down. My head was spinning and I felt like it was never going to end.

Steve rounded a corner and finally stopped at a door, the first we'd seen and pulled it open, carefully looking out before he tugged me out into what looked to the be the parking garage. He kept tight hold of my hand as we ran. The level was empty save for a couple vehicles against the wall. A black pick up and two smaller black sports cars. Reaching the car, he opened the passenger door for me.

“Hurry” I pretty much jumped into the truck and looked over at him as he climbed in. He grabbed the keys from the ashtray and started the truck. It hit me then that he was still in his pajama pants and his back was now covered in blood, and it was running down, soaking into the waist band of his pajamas.

“Steve.. you're bleeding,” I reached over to touch his arm and felt that some of the glass was still embedded into his skin and he flinched with a hiss.

“I'll be fine, we can deal with that later.

We pulled out of the lot and merged into traffic. My hands were shaking and I put them between my legs to try and steady myself.

“How did they find us there?”

“Not sure, but Stark is not going to be happy about his windows.” Steve forced a smile as he looked over at me and I leaned back, turning to look out the window. I was still thinking about Clint and how he'd kissed me right before all hell broke loose. There was no logical reason for it, at least none I could think of. I mean we'd flirted but what would make him just do that. I raised a hand to my lips, letting my fingers rest against them as I replayed it in my mind.

Steve slammed on the brakes and I had to throw my hand out to catch myself, before looking at the traffic, then over to him. He was looking at me and there was that look on his face, the same one I'd seen the flash of before Natasha ran into the apartment.

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