Chapter Five - CLINT-

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Clint threw the mug into the sink and grabbed my arm. “With me Reynolds,” he said as he directed me out of the kitchen.

Steve came out and looked at Tasha then to us.

“Nat and I will keep them busy, you get her out of here. I'll contact you when things are clear.”  I looked helplessly at Steve as Clint pulled me past him down the hallway.

“Clint will keep you safe, listen and do what he says,” Steve said as he disappeared into his room once more and Clint pushed me into a bedroom I'd not been into yet. He grabbed a pair of jeans, jumping into them and threw me a pair of sweats.

“Put those on, we have to get out of here.”

Getting yourself into a pair of sweatpants when you knew people were coming for you tended to make you clumsy. I tripped and would have fallen had Clint not grabbed my arm and kept me upright. I turned to look at him and there was this moment that our eyes met and I knew just how bad the situation was. The pants on, I looked to him for guidance and he yelled for Natasha.

She came running into the room, a gun in her hand.

“I need to know what my escape route is here,”

“Window, one floor down is the dummy apartment, living room closet door is an exit straight to the van.” she explained to him as he went to the window.

“You have got to be kidding me!”   I was not cool with this at all, especially not fourteen or more stories up in a building. Natasha looked at me then

“You’ll be fine, it’s less than ten feet down to the next window,” she assured me, “you’ll be fine.”

“I am not going out that fucking window!”

“Would you rather meet these guys on the stairs and ask them if they’d mind moving out of your way so you can pass them?”  Clint asked as he pulled a tshirt over his head, smirking over at Natasha.

“You don’t have time to argue Alaina, you guys need to get out of here,” Natasha said as she walked over and fired six shots into the window, shattering it, glass falling inside the room and outside falling down the side of the building. My ears were still ringing as I watched Clint grabbed a case, pull out a bow and  slung something onto his back that was full of only what I guessed could be arrows.  Natasha leaned out the window and then looked at me.

"Clint is going to lower you down, there's a balcony directly below you, just let go and it's no more than four feet or so."

I looked at her, then to him and nodded as I heard yelling and then banging on the apartment door. 

"Come on, we have to move." Clint motioned me to him and I went.

Tasha explained how they were going to do lower me down and while it all sounded great. I was terrified. My heart was pounding in my chest as Natasha threw the comforter of the bed over the broken glass along the ledge. Clint walked over to the window.

"Faster we do this, faster you're on solid ground," I took a breath and pushed my fear down into my gut as I walked to the ledge of the window, "Swing your legs over the edge and then grab my arms, you hold on as tight as you can, Nat is going to stay right here just in case."

 I looked at him as I sat on the edge of the window sill and put my legs over the edge, looking down before I turned to look at Clint. He grabbed my arms close to my elbows and I grabbed his in return.

"I'm going to start to lower you down, you tell me when to let go"

"Don't let me fall Barton."  I wondered if my face looked as terrified as my voice sounded. He shook his head and 

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