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This happened wayyy back in 6th grade. I had a stalker. I know right me the loser had someone who was crazy for me. I remember running from her at gym one time. I'm not gonna say her name since 1 that's rude 2 I don't want any of you psychos to go find her. Well it started like a week after the school year began. It was gym (the only class we had together. She was instantly facuated with me. She asked me out I just walked the fuck away.... WHAT THE FUCK WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO. As the school year went on she had changed into 2 of my classes to be closer to me (fucking psycho) and she found all my social medias some how. And after a while I said yes for some stupid reason when she asked me out again (big mistake) (like yandere I swear) so it went on for like a week then I was like nope on "broke up with her" I don't really consider that dating in my opinion but what ever. She then towards the end of the year moved away ( I celebrated that night). She was moving to England. But that day she told me that she gave me a note i still have it somewhere cause when I tell people they don't believe me so I had it for proof. It said I've loved you since *insert date here* I forgot. And that's the end of my stalker story. Cheers..... here's a meme

 here's a meme

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