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Bangtan were busy as usual as their comeback was getting nearer, everyone was busy doing their own task, whether practicing some choreography or practicing their songs, especially Yoongi who were almost staying in his studio for days.

His studio room was a messed as empty  cup of noodles and cans were scattered everywhere. He was still busy arranging for the rhythm and lyrics for their new song when someone knocks on his studio door.

"Hyung we're going out for dinner" said Namjoon peeking his head inside his room as the boys decided to have some break from their work and have some little time for their selves so they decided to go out and have some dinner all together.

"Yea be safe" he said face still stuck in his equipments, Namjoon just groan and shake his head since he know that even though he's the leader he can't win with Yoongi especially when it comes to work.

Namjoon just gave up easily and went outside of his studio. A minute after Namjoon went out to his room, the door of his work room suddenly slammed open making him flinch and face the culprit, his brows furrowed, he really hates people who messed up in his 'genius lab', well except for himself.

"Are you planning on knocking off my door?" He said voice stern to the culprit.

"Is that how you talk to your hyung?" Jin ask brows were raised as he crossed his arms standing in his doorway while eyeing the man and his messy room, his nose scrunch at the sight of Yoongi's 'room'

"Is this even a studio anymore? It looks like a pig sty" Jin said as Yoongi just roll his eyes as he goes back to what he was doing.

"You better get yourself ready for the dinner in 5 or else I will ruined all your babies here and I will start with the keyboard!" Jin rant continuously making his face beet red and veins almost pop out from his neck.

"As if you can do it" Yoongi said challenging the older with a grin.

"Oh yeah try me" Jin said smirking evilly Yoongi just groaned as he acknowledge his defeat he never win with Jin in this situation as in never especially when it involves some food. Well after all no one dares to mess up with the older especially when he's hungry.

"So I get that as a Yes yea? So be ready in 5" after that the proud Jin and the dumbfounded Namjoon who was just listening outside the room quietly leave his studio earning a win from the latter. Yoongi just put some finishing touches and save his work as he grab his coat and go directly to their practice room where they will meet.


When they arrive at the place where they will be having their dinner they then order their food right away which is some nice meat and soup for the dinner's menu with a pair of beers.

They we're so busy bickering to each other and as usual the maknae lines keeps bugging their hyungs.

"Yoongi hyungs' birthday is coming" Jungkook suddenly said excitedly while grinning making he's bunny teeth peek from his thin lips.

"What are you gonna do on that day hyung?" Jimin asked eyeing the tired looking Yoongi.

"I'm gonna breath" he said not looking at the younger whilst just continue eating his dinner.

"Seriously hyung?" Namjoon said while Yoongi just shrug. After the dinner the boys decided to go back to their dorm to take some rest but Yoongi didn't go with them as he insisted that he will be staying in his studio to finish his work and this time Jin didn't win in their argument as Yoongi just head straight to his studio not waiting for the latter's motherly exaggerated speech. 

Jin just groaned not knowing what to do so he just let Yoongi do what he pleased just for the day and they went home leaving Yoongi on the studio. As they arrive in their dorm they all take their warm shower to relax their tired and stiffed muscles. After the warm bath Jin then gathered the boys to their small living area.

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