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The boys were now getting ready as they were now about to head to their studio, and as for the hybrid, they already took care of it. They already tell their manager acting like they badly need some assistance in their dorm for them to be more organized in their schedule and the one who will also facilitate them.

Well that was really just an act, they were professional enough to managed their time and schedules, they just made that as an excuse for the hybrid. They were now dressing themselves while the hybrid just watched them walking from here to there, grabbing something, putting something, changing and etc.

She just watched feeling dizzy at how busy the boys where making her ears twitched. Its her first time seeing the boys busy since it is also her very first day with them aside from the pass days.

She wants attention but she's not getting it for the mean time. Then suddenly Jimin the one who always finish first approached the kitten which makes the hybrid smile wildly.

"Why aren't you getting ready kitten? You will, come with us remember?" said Jimin sweetly as he tucked some strands of the hybrid's hair behind its ear making it twitched. Jimin was the one almost looking for the hybrid even though he's not the official owner since the hybrid was a gift for Yoongi for his incoming birthday, bit still Jimin feels the sense of responsibility, after all it is his idea to buy the hybrid.

The hybrid was actually done taking her shower and now wearing the clothes Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung shopped yesterday. They bought the hybrid some clothes and stuff that she needed including panties off course. They can't carry the hybrid with them tho because it will make some issue even though buying girl's clothes was already an issue, but they planned for it, so buying girls stuff is no big deal, but carrying the hybrid with them will be another issue so its a N.O. for them. They just play safe.

Shopping some undergarments for the hybrid was way too difficult as they imagined. They can't just go inside a Victoria's secret store, roaming around and picking any undergarments, it will be so embarrassing, they can't even take a step inside as they can feel the hotness inside the area even though it was fully air condition, they just can't. So they end up buying the hybrid some boxers that will fit her in that way no one will suspect them and maybe call them some perv for entering a store fill with undergarments and sexy stuff, again they were playing safe. That's their only reason, after all.

"I'm already done preparing myself m- I mean oppa" said the hybrid, Jimin just ruffled her hair, he really is fond with the hybrid, as he really find her cute, and the fact that she is still a hybrid just really amaze Jimin more. They way her tail move or ears twitched still amazed Jimin. He just can't believe that there are such things that exist, just like the hybrid. Their Hybrid.

After some hour of getting ready they were now heading to the studio and the hybrid was tailing behind them. As they arrive on the studio they didn't waste any time and start to practice for their new choreography while the hybrid was left behind on the side sitting as Namjoon order her to just watch them and don't ever leave the room.

But cats are different from dogs, they don't usually follow orders so when she finally gets bored she silently went outside the room and roam around the building. She was new to the building so mostly people that she will encounter will look at her weirdly, not because they can see her ears or tail, it was neatly tucked in, it's just she's new and everybody might think that maybe she is one of the rookies or new staff. As she was still roaming around she stopped from her track as she can smell something..

Something dangerous.

She was about to turn when she suddenly bumped into someone making her ears perked under the bonnet she is wearing and her tails squirm..

Kitten~ |M.Y.G| [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now