~Dise Nuebe~

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I'm focking not ready to write this :"<


The next morning, its already Saturday, the kitten already has her plan on what to do during the day till Sunday, and as excited as she was she woke up again early in the morning. She was actually being careful to not wake Yoongi up, and by just watching her master's cute face, events from the night flashes through her mind making her turn red as she giggle softly poking Yoongi's cheeks. Before she totally got up from bed she decided to take her time in admiring her master.

She takes time to admire Yoongi's pale, soft skin, some wrinkles that are faintly showing on his pretty face, his cute button nose, his long lashes that cascades shadows through his puffed cheeks, those dark brows that was almost covered by his hair all the time which makes his beauty more stand whenever he furrowed them and at how his mouth slightly agape as small snores were emitted from him.

She admire them, all those tiny scars displayed on his cheeks due to how stress he was, all his flaw and imperfections where somehow perfect for her, he is too perfect for her. Imperfectly perfect. The hybrid just sigh thinking about the phrase she used.

'He is too perfect for me'

After how many minutes of admiring her master, she decided to head off to the kitchen and make the boys their breakfast. Although its not really that early cause it was like 8:30 or something, but hey common, its the boys off so they usually wake up later.

Heading to the kitchen, she decided to cook a proper breakfast!!

Eggs and Bacon it is!

And after 5 mins of standing over the kitchen counter not moving anything, she felt worthless. She didn't even move a a single utensils yet. She just sigh out of frustrations, its not like she doesn't know how to cook (well apparently she really doesn't know) it's just, Jin's advice to her repeatedly ring through her mind

'Kitten you can't cook here on MY kitchen got it? We don't want our home to be burned right?'

Jin said, also referring to Namjoon cause earlier that day Namjoon did try to cook.

So she huffed out some breath out of frustrations, then suddenly she heard a deep chuckle making her whip her face to where the sound came, and there goes Yoongi, messy bed hair, bare faced, wearing his grey pajamas, hands crossed to his chest as he leaned on the entrance of the kitchen wall.

"Planning to cook breakfast again?" Yoongi said emphasizing the word, as an amused smile plastered on his face. The kitten looks cute pouting.

"Y-yea" the kitten answered, face flushed with bright red, she felt embarrassed.

"Mmmmmm" Yoongi hummed as he walk to where the kitten was standing and stood behind her hugging her, hands place on her tiny waist as he rested his chin on the kitten's shoulder, pressing his cheeks to hers, as he inhale her familiar scent. The kitten suddenly relax from being stress out and release a sigh.

"So what are you planning to cook?" Yoongi ask side eying her in the process.

"Bacon and Eggs" the kitten said cheerfully making Yoongi chuckle at how energetic the kitten suddenly was.

"Okay, should I help you?" Yoongi ask, making the kitten suddenly think of it. Well the offer wasn't bad, and besides it will be fun if Yoongi will help her right? She can make a breakfast too without burning the food or burning the ehem, dorm.

So the kitten nod, and Yoongi pull himself backward, turning the kitten around in the process and pinching her cheeks as her nose scrunch cutely making Yoongi release a gummy smile.

Kitten~ |M.Y.G| [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now