Chapter 2

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Kesley p.o.v

So, the person I was going to see was Aiden. He needed to talk to me for some reason. So I got a Uber and when the to his house. I knocked on his door then finally he came and pulled me in the house.

Why did you pull me into the house? -Kesley
Because I told Diggy I was sick so,  he couldn't come over be..because I'm mo..moving-Aiden said starting to cry
Oh,  but why don't you you just tell Diggy-Kesley
Because I'm moving to Indiana and I don't want a relationship where we can't see eachother- Aiden
Omg so I'm not going to see my best friend like ever agian-kesley said starting to cry
No I'm really sorry I just can't live her in LA anymore because there is just to much going on and I have family down in Indiana-Adien
Oh I well I know how diggy is going to feel like when you break up with him-Kesley
How is he going to feel-Aiden
He told me if you broke up with him that he would do something really bad,  but I don't think he would because I heard that he likes Sayla-kesley
So he likes that little bitch Sayla but I thought she was dating that Christian Kelly kid-Aiden
She is and that kid is my best friend who I am living with-kesley                                                                       Oh sorry, but I'm going to ruin Sayla and Christian's relationship-Aiden                                                      Good.. Wait what-Kesley                                                                                                                                                    Me and u are going to go shopping with Sayla tmw and then we will go eat and when she goes to the bathroom we are going to go on her phone and break her and Christian up-Aiden                     I am going to feel so bad for Christian tho-Kesley                                                                                               Why-Aiden                                                                                                                                                                                  Bc he is my bestfriend and he really loves her and he will go all sad and moop around the house and lets just hope he doesn't try and u know what-Kesley                                                                                    Ok and ya Let's not even if I don't know that kid very well-Aiden                                                                     So we went to in n out to go eat, but the sucky thing is Christian, Adriana, and Miles is there and we didn't notice until we were in the booth and they were about to leave so I hid my face.       What are doing I thought u were friends with them-Aiden  (whispers)                                                           I am I just am suppost to be hanging out with them, but I told them I had to go meet someone, but they will hate me who so they asked and I said someone and left so I am hiding-Kesley               Why couldn't u just tell them u were hanging with me-Aiden                                                                           Reasons-Kesley                                                                                                                                                                       Like what they wouldn't think we were dating bc u know i'm gay-Aiden                                                      They think u are faking it to get attention and that u are cheating on Diggy with some girl and u know I been sneaking off when I'm with them so I don't want them thinking its me-Kesley                  Aiden was about to say something, but my phone started ringing so I went to the bathroom bc it was Miles.                                                                                                                                                                               Hey I seen u why were u here with Aiden are u the one he is cheating on with Diggy-Miles                 First of all you can't just come to conclusions bc no i'm not he really needs a friend like me bc u guys thinks he is cheating, but he isn't he is going through family stuff and he really loves Diggy so and u wanna no what Diggy is going to be heart broken when Aiden breaks up with him-Kesley                                                                                                                                                                                          Wait so he didn't cheat then why is he breaking up with Diggy then-Miles                                                  Reasons can't say until Aiden lets me and until Diggy knows-Kesley                                                              But, we are best friends and I won't tell anybody-Miles                                                                                        Lier bc when I told u not to tell Sayla that Diggy likes her u told her and when I told u not to tell the group not to come to my place since I was fake sick and bc I wasn't there and I was at  the Jail talking to my brother-Kesley                                                                                                                                    FINE u got me, but why is Issac in Jail anyways-Miles                                                                                             For beating up cops when he got a ticket for drinking and driving- Kesley                                                  How old is Issac-Miles                                                                                                                                                          20 but I have to go back to Aiden byee-Kesley                                                                                                           Bye-Miles                                                                                                            

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