Navy Rose

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U reached into the hat and pulled out a navy rose. U showed Tamaki and he and the twins shoved u into the closet. After a minute, a TALL figure stepped into the closet. It was Mori-Senpai. U had a HUGE crush on him and got really nervous as u saw him.
After he closed the door, someone on the outside locked it and turned off the lights. U started shuffle around to find somewhere to sit, but u accidentally bumped into Mori-Senpai.
"Oh, ummm....I'm so sorry! I was just trying to find somewhere to sit.." u said as u backed away nervously. He then pulled u back to him with his strong arms.
"U can sit with me, (y/n)." He said with his deep voice. U blushed as he said this. He then pulled u onto his lap.
"U-um, Mori-Senpai-"
"Shh, it's alright." he said as he wrapped his arms around u. U turned to look at him. He smiled softly at u.
"You're beautiful, (y/n)." U blushed even deeper as he said this. He then placed a soft, but passionate kiss on your lips. U were surprised at first, but u kissed back.
"Be mine." He said as he looked at u with that sweet face of his. U thought for a second, and nodded. Tamaki then slammed the door open.
"Seven minuets is up!" Then he got a good look at u guys and gasped. Mori then picked u up bridal style and carried u out of the closet. The twins also gasped and started whispering to each other. Mori sat u down the couch next to him and u leaned on his shoulder.
"I love u (y/n)."
"I love u too."
The rest of the night went by. Most of the night, U and Mori snuggled up on the couch, and the others continued playing the game. Tamaki ended up in the closet with Honey-Senpai, which ended with Tamaki running out screaming with an angry Honey-Senpai running after him holding a stained Usa-Chan. Probably from Tamaki's commoner coffee.

(A/n): hey, hope u like it so far! This chapter goes out to a friend of mine who really likes Mori-Senpai, and u know who u are~

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