"Aunt Valerie" - Chapter 1 -

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"NO! NO, YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! YOU HAVE TO LET US ON, YOU HAVE TO LET US ON!" The woman screamed as I watched her cry in vain with a baby in her arms. The Captain shook his head and got back on the ship. The ship started then took off. The woman was left with her baby in the ending world.

I closed my journal and sighed. "I wonder what it would be like for the world to end." Getting up from my seat, I noticed a note on my closet door that I didn't see before. I grabbed the note and read it.

Dear Maddox, I'm going to work at 6:30 AM today again. At 12 PM Aunt Valerie will knock at the door to look after you, behave for her, please. She had a hard time this week. Anyways, I expect the best from you, Maddox. Have fun! -Love, Mom

    "Of course," I sighed, "How did I think that she'd stay home today if it's been already 4 days in a row...?" I set the note down on my desk and exited the room to make my own breakfast. Entering into the hallway, I smelt breakfast, pancakes, eggs, and bacon. But nobody was home— Unless it was Aunt Valerie or my mother Carol. I stepped into the kitchen to find my older brother Quintyn making bacon and eggs, with pancakes. I smiled and hugged Quintyn from behind, "Hey, Quintyn! Why are you home so early?" I looked up at him. "Since it's my favorite little brother's birthday, I took the chance to stay home today and see my little brother while I still had the opportunity." He spoke to me, "Well, sit at the dining table. Breakfast is almost ready." He began to scoop the eggs and sausages into three plates. 

      I nodded and headed to the dining room and sat down. Soon, he came in with 3 plates. "What's the third plate for?" I questioned. "I heard Aunt Valerie was coming over today. So I thought I'd be nice enough to save her a plate." He walked behind me and set a plate in front of me.  "Thank you," I thanked. He nodded and sat in the seat across from me. "How's mom and dad?" Quintyn asked. "They're alright. Mom has been really busy with work along with dad," I sighed as I began to eat my food. "So you're always alone? With Alexa?" He said as he took a look at Alexa, the dog that was resting right by his leg. "Yeah, pretty much. And Aunt Valerie," I started, "But it is amazing having Aunt Valerie around, just last Wednesday we built a spaceship in the backyard. It's still there." I smiled. The doorbell rang. "That must be Aunt Valerie. Alright then," Quintyn said as he got up. "Place your dish in the sink, I'll wash them later." Quintyn left the room. I continued eating as I heard Quintyn talking to Aunt Valerie. I haven't had a good breakfast in a while. Ever since mom and dad were all busy with work, all I had was cereal and milk. If Aunt Valerie was here before 12 PM, she'd probably make delicious food like waffles and sunny side up eggs...! But she lives too far away that she gets here around 11 AM to 12 PM. 

      As soon as I finished my food, I got up and waddled to the kitchen sink, putting the bowl in the sink then walking over to the two. "Hello Aunt Valerie," I waved, "What activities do we have planned for today?" I looked at the bag Aunt Valerie was holding. "It's a surprise, and I do have things for the spaceship," She smiled widely. Quintyn smiled and walked into the backyard to look at the ''spaceship''. Alexa ran over to Aunt Valerie and barked. "Hello Alexa! It's great to see you again!~" Aunt Valerie pet Alexa's back and rubbed her head. "Food is set up for you in the kitchen, Auntie." I closed the door and guided Aunt Valerie to the kitchen.

{~} End Of Chapter 1 - "Aunt Valerie" {~}

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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