Chapter 18

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I was pulled out of bed abruptly and dragged to the kitchen, where I was ordered to clean up the mess the two lovers had made, by a crotchety Karren.

"Jeff said I could boss you around, so get to work." She looked down upon me then jumped and looked towards the door as it opened. Jeff had come home and was covered in blood.

"Jeffy!" Karren pounced on him to which Jeff gave her an annoyed glare. "How was your day, hm baby?"

"What," he scoffed back.

Karren tilted her, "Oh silly Jeffy."

"I fuck you and give you drugs, that doesn't mean I'm your fucking boyfriend, now move," after correcting her Jeff came into the kitchen and swung the fridge open, pulling out a full bottle of some sort of scotch whiskey called Bruichladdich. He took a swig of it then noticed me on the kitchen floor.

"What the fuck is she doing out here?!"

"Well you said I had power over her, and we made such a big mess, so I decided to-," Karren was cut off by a very angry shout.

"But nothing, don't move my shit around."

"But you said-"

"I said fucking what? Tell me what I fucking said. Don't touch my shit, Karren," He screams at her causing the skinny girl to cower.

Jeff turned to me and pulled me by my hair to the living room where a cage sat in front of the couch. His rough hands pushed me inside with ease. I knew not to argue with him, especially not like this, but Karren didn't. I could fit in the large dog crate surprisingly, with but an extra half-foot of space.

"I was justing trying to help clean up."

The infuriated man locked the cage and turned to her, taking another swig and practically spitting venom at the persistent blond. "What if she tried to escape? If she outsmarted me, just once, she could outsmart you many times. Hate to tell you this babydoll but you're not the fucking brightest."

"You're one to talk Jeffery, so far you're the only one she's tricked, as far as I'm concerned-"

Jeff stopped in his tracks and pulled out his knife, intimidating Karren to shut her mouth which she did but it was too late. I swung at her stomach giving her tan skin a large red gash. Not too deep but wide enough to cause plenty of pain. "Go ahead and finish that sentence," Jeff threatened, but the girl only coward in fear, hugging the wall. "That's what I fucking thought. Go wait in the room for me," he ordered, and she obeyed with a huff.

Jeff sat on the couch, taking large gulps of the 92% proof alcohol, eyeing me closely. He just kept watching me and slowly took more and more swigs. He very obviously planned on getting drunk, maybe either beating or having his way with Karren, possibly both. Seeing how their relationship was nothing like Karren had painted it to be, an idea came to mind.

"You don't trust me," I ask cautiously, not sure if he wanted me to speak, Jeff preferred it when I was silent.

"You have been the only one ever to get away from me," he said leaning forward. I could smell his breath, sure that if I had a match his words would ignite, but he just continued peering in at me through the cage.

"I'm the only one you'd ever let go," I mentioned his mercy on my life then switched back to the subject, "Do you trust Karren," I ask. Jeff scoffed and leaned back on the couch, so I continued, feeling brave, "She thinks you guys are a couple, she doesn't seem like she has the most luminous mind, a bit twisted up."

"What are you trying to say," Jeff growled.

"I just think you shouldn't be intoxicated around her, seeing how delusional she is; who knows what she could do..." My seed was planted and I watched it grow inside Jeff's eyes, doubt and fear can be the most dangerous thing.

Jeff leaned towards we once more, "You think I'm gonna fall for any of your shit? That girl can't do anything to me-drunk or not." I just kept quiet and laid down in my small prison. Jeff continued drinking, now taking smaller sips, glaring at me. "You know what? I think I've had it with your shit."

He quickly opened the cage and pulled me out, my form kneeled before him, I tried to keep a very close pose to Jeff. I could hear Karren's footsteps.

"Jeffy, I've been waiting for, for..." She froze as she viewed the scene before her.

Jeff had my hair balled up in his fist, pulling my face close to his clothed waist, he was wobbly from the whiskey too, helping put on a convincing show that he wanted me to blow him. I was very uncomfortable and, of course, this was all coincidence but I was okay with it, I wanted to anger her. Karren narrowed her eyes, "What the fuck is this."

Jeff gave her a questioning look, irritated that she wasn't still waiting for him, "Go back to the room and let me deal with this."

"What, so you can fuck her," the girl spat, "I know you think she's prettier than me. You treat her like she's a fragile little doll!"

"Shut the fuck up Karren-or I'll kill both of you," Jeff slurred.

Karren's focus moved to me, "And you," she stepped to me, spite in her very core, "You whore, you're trying to steal my man. You want to be on top. Well too bad because I'm not going back in those chains."

Jeff let go of me to put his bottle down and Karren took this chance to attack me. She swung and scratched me with her jagged nails. I scream and let her do what she wanted, my goal was to make her look as terrible as possible, she needed to fall from her high horse and Jeff had the power to push her off. Yet, when he turned his attention to us brawling he just began to laugh. This had backfired a little bit... Between her blows, Karren would scream at me, "Don't you ever fucking threaten my throne!!"

Jeff finally pulled her off of me, turning her around and hungrily kissing her; I could feel my stomach drop. A burning sensation in my chest as I watched them grab at each other.

"I love seeing you beat the shit out of people," Jeff smirked, his insanity shining through his blue eyes, "Let's go back to the room to finish this."

Karren shook her head, "No, I wanna fuck right here. Let her watch," she whispered in his ear.

Jeff smiled and I turned away and covered my ears. I hate Karren.

I wish she would die.


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