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Love. Jungkook and Taehyung have learned to accept that love weren't for them. At least that's what fate seems to tell them. But this is Taehyung and Jungkook we're talking about. fate doesn't have a hold on them. So they wrote a letter. A letter to fate.

Dear fate,

fuck you.


your toys.

They wrote and sent this letter the day Taehyung slid a note under Jungkooks door when Namjoon was in his studio. It was quite simple really. It was just a simple "hello". For something so simple, it was such a huge thing for Jungkook. So he replied back "Hi"

And that bloomed into something new. No words were spoken between Jungkook and Tae, but they were comfortable. Simple conversations is how it started.

T- Goodmorning

J-good sun rising

T-lol, breakfast is ready. namjoon already left.

J-ew never write lol, also i'll be down soon

And that was the end. Sometimes that'd be the only communication thet'd have all day other times, when one of them was out they'd text.

#1 Alien

So...if i was a spider would you crush me



#1 Alien



because I hate spiders

#1 Alien

but what if its me


i wouldn't know it was you cause you'd be squished

#1 alien



if i was a real bunny would you keep me

#1 Alien

of course


but what if i was a troublemaker

#1 Alien

yes id keep you


wow. I asked yoongi that and he said he'd 

give me back to the pet store

#1 Alien

well he's yoongi



Namjoon started to notice the glances Jungkook and Taehyung would exchange. He knew what was going on but decided to leave it. Jungkook was happy. To him, that's all that mattered. jimin seemed to have stopped messing with Jungkook also so he was pretty happy. 

Everything was finally going back to normal. Until it happened. Surprisingly it wasn't Taehyung and Namjoon having an argument. No, it was Jimin coming home and finding a very happy Taekook sleeping peacefully on the couch. 

The jealous he had been keeping away came back full force. 

"Why didn't he ever look that peaceful next to me?"

"Why didn't he get closer to me like that?"

"Why is he choosing Jungkook over me?"

Jimin's mind was filling with questions. All of them making him more jealous and more bitter. So he did what he did best: he acted without thinking of the consequences. Jimin grabbed Jungkook off of the couch and onto the floor making Jungkook shoot awake.

Before Jungkook could understand what was going on Jimin was on top of him. Jimin began blindly punching Jungkook. In the face, in the chest, in the stomach. Anywhere he could reach. "You ruin everything! God, why can't you just leave? Get out of my life. Stop taking whats mine. I wish you were dead!" With every sentence came a punch. 

Finally Jimin was pulled off by Hobi while Taehyung and Yoongi ran to Jungkooks side. Jimin calmed down and stared at Jungkook with wide eyes.

"Did I do that?" He thought to himself.

At that moment, Jin and Namjoon opened the front door. 

"what the fuck." They both said taking in the sight of a bruised and blooded Jungkook on the floor and wide-eyed jimin staring at Jungkook.

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