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Jimin was forgiven. So why did it feel like he wasn't? He wasn't ignored. He wasn't left out. It just wasn't the same. Jimin had hoped that everything could go back to normal. For the most part, it did, but it felt different. 

"Jae. Why isn't everything back to normal?" Jimin asked laying his head on Jaebums shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Jaebum looked at Jimin.

"I apologized and they accepted it. They said I was forgiven. Everything went back to normal except it didn't." Jimin said.

"Baby, it won't go back to normal completely,"Jaebum told Jimin.

"Yes, it will. I just need to do more." Jimin convinced himself.

Jaebum sighed and shook his head, "You're gonna get hurt trying Mochi."

"I'm not a mochi. You shouldn't call me food. Humans should not be called food, that's cannibalism." Jimin exclaimed ignoring Jaebums warning.

Jaebum chuckled.


"Taehyung, Jungkook!" Jimin called out. The two said people turned around. 

"Yes hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"let's go do something," Jimin exclaimed.

"Like what" Taehyung raised his right eyebrow.

"Umm, let's go shopping. We haven't been in a while. I heard Gucci has some new stuff." jimin smiled. 

Taehyung looked at Jungkook then at his watch. "We have some extra time. Let's hope we don't attract any unwanted attention."

Jungkook nodded and Jimin beamed. This was one of the things they used to do together. To Jimin this little shopping trip was a step to going back to the way things were. He felt like he could fix things. 

The mall trip wasn't eventful. It was just like old times. They picked out each other's outfits, bought it, got something to eat, then left. It was completely normal. And Jimin loved every minute of it.

"It was fun Jimin, but we have to go." Jungkook looked at his new Gucci watch (which Taehyung bought despite Jungkooks protest). 

"Where are you guys going?" Jimin asked.

"We're having a couples night. Taehyungs taking me somewhere. He won't tell me where though." Jungkook smiled his signature bunny smile. You could practically see stars in his eyes.

"Cool. I hope you guys have fun." Jimin's smile fell a little. He was happy for the two and he'd never leave Jaebum, but he still wasn't used to the two being so close without him.


He didn't fix it. He couldn't fix it. Jimin had come to realize that. After two weeks of trying to fix it, he realized that he was tackling the impossible. 

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