So close

690 13 3

One step.

Oh no.

Another step.

Oh shit.

        The look on his face was unforgiving. As he made his way over to me, my eyes were frantically looking for an escape. I wasn't prepared. Not today. Not now. I would be lying if I said I never fantasized about Mr.Kim seducing me in the classroom alone but I always dismissed those thoughts as nothing more then daydreams. Dreams and only dreams. Something that would never happen, until now.

         His hot breath and the slight touch of his arm as it reached around me to prop himself on the desk brought me out of my daze and to reality. "What should I do with you?" Thoughts racing through my mind until the silence was cut by a small, yet audible, sound. My ring tone. Disappointment washed over me as I felt Mr.Kim walk away and return to his desk without a word. I know I shouldn't feel this way but a part of me really wanted to feel his touch, hear his moans and seductive voice tease me. 'No. Stop. You need to leave. It's for the better if you leave fantasies as fantasies.' Recently I've been telling myself these reminders too often for it to be healthy.

      Without thinking, I turn around to see Mr.Kim sitting at his desk readjusting his glasses. Acting as if  this sequence of events did not just occur to begin with. He nonchalantly
crosses his legs, glances up at me, and gestures for me to come over to his desk. Once again my heart starts beating uncontrollably as I shuffle my way over to him.

       "Take a seat." He says pointing to a chair beside his desk. I pulled it out before placing my bag down and taking a seat. He swiveled himself in his chair so he could look directly at me. Despite my efforts, I could only keep eye contact for a few seconds before my eyes looked somewhere else. Anywhere else. The tension was unbearable. It felt like minutes before he broke the silence.

      "Y/n how should I deal with you?" Propping his chin on his hand. "Do you know how much you frustrate me?" he murmured while tilting his head to the side, causing him to look adorable, yet sexy. Without a second thought, I confessed, "Well you don't help me much either Mr.Kim." Before biting my tongue I continued "Everyday when you walk into class I get all hot and can barely focus due to your-" Fuck. 'Shut up y/n, shut up!' The realization of what I just confessed hit me like a truck. 'How can I excuse this?! I'm doomed.' Lost in thought I remembered Mr.Kim was still sitting across from me. Inches away.

      I slowly raised my head and met my eyes with his, scared of what I would see. To my surprise he was smirking that same amused smirk he had when teasing me earlier. Except this time it didn't start a flame of anger within, I was high on adrenaline and fear. He uncrossed his legs, placed his elbows on his knees, and leaned foward.
       "It seems we are both dealing with a similar problem and hold the solution for eachother." He pushed forward in his chair leaning his face beside my ear. "How about we collaborate and practice teamwork today?" His sensual, low voice sent shivers down my spine as my whole body heated up. I was speechless.

       Mr.Kim got up from his seat, putting his knee between my legs and fiddled with the collar of my shirt. The warmth of his breath on my neck and his knee so close to my area was dangerous. "Well, what do you say?"

Mr.Kim || EXO Xiumin(Minseok)x Reader Smut ||  18+Where stories live. Discover now