(Psssst, Blub_twenty12-senpai, this is the person I was telling you about.)
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This is what she looks like ;w;
I feel like I haven't detailed her enough- So I guess here's more?? Qwqwq
Personal info: Height: 5'7 Weight: Not that heavy, but not that light either Nicknames (she hates these): Ducky Ducky Mo Mo, Sharky, Sharl, Moshark, Moshie Monsters, Mochair Birthday: Sept. 22 Age: 21
Even more (???) Personal info: Crush: Blub/Blub's OC/Whatever Blub will use Favorite color: Purple Favorite flower: Daisy, Bluebell Favorite songs: Lifeboat, South Park theme song, Seventeen, Weapon of Choice: Sniper, AK-47, Desert Eagle 50AE Will bust a nut for Jesicca Rabbit She calls all the people she likes, "Senpai" Fucking good af in the battlefield But scared af at horror games Favorite Movie Genre: Drama, Romance, Comedy, Action Loves Pepsi Kpop is n o, Kdrama is y e s She respects Kpoppers' opinions tho Bipolar Very unconscious about her singing voice She talks to herself alot Immortal, she wakes up in her bed when she dies (yes, I got inspired by kenny) She will strangle you if you toucha her delicious eggs Favorite Superhero: Deadpool Bob Ross is her aesthetic Isn't affected by insults that much Afraid of what's IN the dark