ロミオとシンデレラ (Jonathan Joestar x Reader)

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( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbFSpvlaugc Please listen for feel. ありがとうございました ! )

" Goodnight father, I hope you rest well tonight." George smiled sweetly at his son, his son of whom he had the utmost respect and love for and whom he raised to be nothing but a true, honest, and noble gentleman. Little did he know that once his charming gentleman of a son closed his room doors and went to walk to his own room...he was just as filled with desires as any other man. Jonathan Joestar, of who's crystal blue eyes showed nothing but charm and innocence were now fogged by heat and greedy desires. And who's face was always so charming and bright, was burning a pink colour in filthy thoughts and the want of committing sinful actions under the illuminating light of the moon. Once he reached his room, there she was: Young lady (Y/N) with hair that seemed to fall down like silk ribbons and whos body was a tantalizing and nothing but holy temple. A holy temple of which was going to be stained with the sin of love making. The boy took no time to gently take you in his arms and tilt your head up to his, your (E/C) eyes displaying an utmost innocent yet lustful expression. "I will be gentle, I promise." Jonatha leaned his lips in to kiss you but stopped and giggled slightly. "Still eating sweets before bed?" You blushed and turned away slightly in embarrassment, "I know, it is a habit..I can't help but eat my mothers sweets before going to bed; so childish I am, really." Jonathan then dug in his pocket and took out a familiar sweet: "caramel...you like it, don't you?" You nodded eagerly and Jonathan pushed you to the bed with a gentle apology as he tore the wrapper open with his teeth. You crossed your naked legs shyly and batted your eyes like the wings of an angel. "P-please bite me gently...I don't like bitterness.." Jonathan smiled sweetly, "I promise I will not..."
~In the morning~
You sat up in Jonathans bed the next morning, the curtains already pulled open and Jonathan sipping on his cup of tea. Once he noticed you were awake he smiled gently at you, "Good morning my lady (Y/N), I hope I wasn't too rough on you last night." Those words alone made your face heat up and you gave in to a common habit "I am sorry.." Jonathan seemed shocked and walked over to you, gently caressing your face with his warm and strong hands. "Hey, there is no need...we both enjoyed it. A-and.." Jonathan blushed slightly and looked up to you with sincere eyes. "I wouldn't mind doing it again.." You stared deep into his eyes and saw the sincerness and desire of which he shoved back with the dedicated shimmering of blue in his eyes. "Jonathan...please take me away. Just like Juliet, I want to be with you! I want to run away with you! I could care less if mommy and daddy don't like you or your "blue blood and noble" type. I love you. I love you Jonathan Joestar!" Jonathan looked shocked and touched at your bold and passionate statement. He hugged you close, stroking your hair protectively and lovingly. "B-but... I do not want my love to be a tragedy. I will stay like Cinderella, yearning for you. And I will lie about "dropping my glass slipper" just to be loved by you. So..." Jonathan couldn't take it anymore, once again, you were gently pinned under him nothing stopping the boundaries between your black lace and naked flesh from being tampered with. "So...Romeo... just take me away...so far enough that they will scold us."

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