Safe in his Embrace (Kakyoin x Reader request🌸Part 1)

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Royal blue and the moon shining bright didn't seem to fit the current scenario; oh how you hated when mother nature cursed this hellish earth with such beauty at times. Your lover had just left you alone in the crowded streets of Egypt after a very quickly settled argument over you not proceeding any further in the journey to battle the cynical vampire who has haunted the Joestar bloodline for many generations. Of course, you were upset in the beginning,but you knew they all meant well when they told you that you should stay back. It wasn't like you had a stand or were a huge muscular man, you were a (b/t) (body type) young lady who probably couldn't even put up a fight with a puppy or anyone at all. Not that you were a damsel in distress so to say, but you weren't the "fighter" type. Although in the back of your mind you would thank them for being concerned for your well being and caring, you were reluctant to the idea of leaving your lover to fight this battle alone. You stood in the corner of the side walk amongst the lively crowd of the Egyptian people contemplating whether or not you should run back and offer your assistance. Time was precious and seemed to slip through your fingers like sand, you had to act fast if you wanted to make such a rash decision. For all you know, half of the crusaders could be injured or mid battle, or, don't think about that. Surely they were well and kicking ancient vampire butt, but you couldn't help but worry that they were in danger. That your lover was in danger. You couldn't stand it anymore; a sudden burst of adrenaline flowed through your veins and next thing you know, you were sprinting your way towards the danger. "Kakyoin my love, please be safe. I want to be able to escape this with you, I want you to come out of the battlefield only to be welcomed into my loving embrace, I want to congratulate you on your hard work and undying loyalty, I want to live my life happily with you. Oh please Noriyaki, please be safe." You never believed in a god (or rather you never even cared to think that there even was one) but you found yourself praying for the safety of your lover; "oh God, please have nothing happen to my man. Provide him with the warrior like strength to fight and the protection he needs to return back into my arms. I beg of you." A sudden flash of bright yellow and green jumped across the sky and you knew you were drawing near. "Kakyoin!" You shouted to the beams of light and you automatically saw the green one stop. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?! I thought we told you to stay put!" The way his "hair noodle" flowed majestically in the wind and he stood tall and strong on top of the building seemed to make you fall in love with him all over again. You disregarded his scolding and smiled and smile full of hope. "I came to help you! I know you all told me to stay put and to be safe but I simply couldn't allow it!" You saw Kakyoin's amethyst coloured eyes look back and fourth back at you and to Dio who looked down at you as if you were a small pathetic bug. "(Y/N) stay away! Don't you know this man is super-" it was almost too sudden,you didn't even notice the movement of the flamboyantly dressed man. One moment your lover was screaming trying to protect you,and the next a sudden look of shock comes across his face and you see the blood shoot out of his chest almost in slow motion. You felt your heart stop seeing the life of your lover slip from his eyes and you slowly saw his hand reach out to you. Once time seemed to go back to normal, Kakyoin flew and hit a water tank. You could do nothing at first,you were paralyzed and frozen in fear and processing the traumatizing event that happened before your eyes. Finally you let out a single squeek,then that squeek turned into a shrill scream of absolute devastation and pain. You fell to the floor pounding at the sandy grown screaming and crying for your lover. You screamed and screamed even while your voice was cracking and your throat felt raw,you continued sobbing until you realized a shadow loom over you,and at that point you didn't care or dare to look you didn't care what happened to you at this point. The shadows hand raised and slammed down in a chopping motion towards you... and that's when you awoken in a cold sweat. It all felt too real,you immediately felt the tears fill your eyes and a pain shoot through your heart,you saw your lover Kakyoin sleeping beside you in bed and smiled slightly while crying seeing his calm sleeping face and seeing him safe and sound...
(To be continued...)
{Thank you so much everyone for reading my story,I apologise to those who have requested and I've never gotten back to I had alot happen that if any of you would like me to explain I could write a little "story time/message" for you all. Stay safe, love you all and thank you so much for your patience. Your all lovely and beautiful people and are loved 🤗💞💞 request is for Audrey1304 hope you enjoy! It will be in two separate parts for you 😊}

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