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The only thing I consider myself talented in is singing.

I've always been complimented about it since middle school. Since then, I decided to open an instagram account dedicated to this hobbies of mine. I'd upload short covers of songs and often pictures clicked by me.

(moslty day6 bcuz theyr amaze)

It didn't take long for me to gain followers and admirers.

People who didn't know the truth

I'd always get positive comments like:

'you're so good'

'I admire your voice'

'You're so talented'

They made me feel better about myself.

I often got DMs as well but I ignored most of them.

But one person would message me so much, I decided to reply.


hyxnjin: you're aaamazing
1 month ago

hyxnjin: you're srsly amazing if you haven't realized yet.

month ago

hyxnjin: you're really pretty

month ago

hyxnjin: noTicE mE sEnpAii
1 month ago

hyxnjin: your cover of 'i need somebody' is too good
3 weeks ago

hyxnjin: the photograph of a squirrel looks like ma frnd lol
3 weeks ago

hyxnjin: youve got an amazing voice
2 weeks ago

hyxnjin: like you're gifted.
2 weeks ago

hyxnjin: dyu like got7?
2 weeks ago

hyxnjin: jyp should choke
2 weeks ago

hyxnjin: he really needs to give twice a break
2 weeks ago

hyxnjin: last post was han river right?
last week

hyxnjin: you're honestly so cool
last week

hyxnjin: how can someone's vocals be soooo gud??
(except jinyoung cuz he god)
last week

hyxnjin: wow you've got so many followers now.
last week

hyxnjin: is that why you dont respond? Bcuz to many ppl are already DMing u?
last week

hyxnjin: damn u must be popular at your school.
6 days ago

hyxnjin: i mean you've got great looks if ya get wht i mean
6 days ago

hyxnjin: when will you nOtice mE?!¿
5 days ago

hyxnjin: soz that sounded a bit desperate ^
5 days ago

hyxnjin: but srsly when?
5 days ago

hyxnjin: you nvr fail to shock anyone
4 days ago

hyxnjin: i cri at how amazing you are
2 days ago

hyxnjin: you make me cry-y-y
2 days ago

hyxnjin: hey...

hyxnjin: Day6 suck

ksm_day666: yOu tAkE thAt bAck oR uNfOllow mE rN!!


hyxnjin: i knew that'd get you ;)

ksm_day666: yea whatever but DAY6 ARE FKN AMAZING AND I'LL SHOOT YOU.


ksm_day666: yea u doin it right smh



I spelled out

"That's definitely a 'hyunjin"


So a spider was crawling on my face while i was sleeping and i got up
Killed it
And started writing this

It's currently 1:30 am and tomorrow is supposed to first day of school after vacay omg

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