Chapter One

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     "Come on!"

     "Crystal, slow down."

     Amber pushed her way through after her sister, grabbing the girl's flannel as the younger pushed her way through the leaving crowd. When they came to a halt, both girls showed the security guard their passes, fleeing to the back as soon as clearance was given. 

     "Wow. I never thought this day would come." Crystal stated, handing Amber one of the polaroid photos she'd gotten during the concert.

     "Happy early birthday. Took me stressing for a month to get the entire American leg tickets and passes." Amber responded, grabbing it and taking a seat against the wall. 

     Crystal joined her, leaning over when she noticed Amber pull up Snapchat. Leaving the filters off, she quickly got a nice selfie with her sister before saving it and posting it as well. Crystal jumped to her feet as the other girls who had joined them behind stage squealed. Amber scrambled up quickly, looking towards the door where all four boys had entered.

     "One at a time. We're more than happy you guys could join us back here." Michael stated, signing one girl's poster. 

     "This is it!" Crystal whispered excitedly, Amber nodding along absently.

     Crystal glanced at her sister, following her gaze to where she was watching the boys. When Crystal spotted him, Luke's eyes darted away. The younger of the two grinned, looking at Amber who had now given her sister her attention. 

     "Was he starring at you?" Crystal asked, not bothering that that it was obvious.

     Amber shrugged and watched as a small group of four girls began to leave after speaking with the boys. There were maybe six left, counting Amber and Crystal. Not many had gotten passes for backstage this time. As the two waited behind the rest, Amber noticed Calum's eyes dart to and from where they were standing. Crystal's hair was hanging in her face as she checked her phone, making it obvious she hadn't noticed.

     "Crystal." Amber muttered quietly, elbowing her sister.

     "Huh?" she asked, momentarily startled.

     Amber looked at her sister and nodded towards the boys, watching as her sister looked over before looking away quickly. 

     "He's been looking at you for a bit now." 

     "Do you think they like us?"

     Amber looked at Crystal as though she had lost her mind.

    "As much as I would like that possibility, there's no way. They don't even know us." the older whispered.

     Crystal deflated a bit, making Amber feel slightly bad. It was a nice possibility, but there was still a one in a million chance for it to be true. Amber watched as Luke turned around to a guard, whispering something and holding up two fingers. Her own curiousity had begun to flare as the guard walked off while Luke went back to talking to the three girls still in front of them.

     The girls, finally getting their fill of flirting and showing out for the boys, turned to leave. As the passed the sisters, the guard stepped back in with whatever it was Luke had asked for. The four of them smiled and greeted Crystal as she eagerly stepped up, Amber following a little slower. 

     "We have a treat for you girls." Luke stated as he signed one of Crystal's photos and passed it to Michael.

     "Oh?" Amber inquired, handing him the one Crystal had handed her earlier.

     Luke smiled and nodded, motioning for the guard to step up. The man approached, handing Luke two slips of paper. Amber raised an eyebrow as he handed each of them a small slip of parchment. Two words were printed on it in quick handwriting. 

     "All access?" Crystal questioned, looking at them.

     Michael and Ashton gave no sign that this was a joke or uncalled for. They acted as though this happened every day, making it hard for Amber to doubt this and find ulterior motives.

     "That's right. Now if you girls will. Follow us." Michael stated, following Ashton as he made his way towards the door.

     Amber and Crystal glanced at each other before following the four out. It took a few minutes to navigate the halls before they all stepped out into the warm air of San Francisco. The boys headed for the bus, opening the door for the girls.

     "All access." Ashton stated with a goofy grin. 

     The girls climbed up the steps, looking around in awe. Crystal slowly grinned as Amber moved her out of the way so the boys could get in. 

     "Make yourselves comfortable." Luke said, moving past them swiftly. 

     He reached into a small fridge and grabbed a few waters, handing Amber and Crystal a bottle before tossing the other boys their bottles. The girls thanked them, more than happy to be allowed access to the bus, let alone get more time with the boys than they should have. The night was one to remember for them of course. By the time Amber checked the time, it had been three hours already.

     "We need to go. Our dogs are probably wondering why we haven't come home to feed them yet." she said, grabbing her jacket as she stood.

     Crystal nodded, grabbing her flannel as the two began heading for the door. 


     The girls stopped and looked back at the boys who were muttering to each other quickly. Luke turned and smiled, the rest of them following suit. 

     "Give us your numbers." Calum said with a grin.

     "After that, go home and pack your bags. You're joining us on tour." Luke said.

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