The Beginning

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It al started when one of the members of The Circle got her first boyfriend. His name was James and he was also 15 years old. At first I thought he was a nice guy, but I didn't really know him. Every morning I drove to school with Amber and she told me a lot about him. From that moment I started notice him in my class. And I noticed that he was very different from the other guys, I think I liked it. He wasn't that kinda guy who wants to be popular and have a lot of attention. He just wanted to be himself, I guess. One a friday morning I was sitting all alone when he came sitting next to me. He said: " Hey, I' m James, Amber's boyfriend. " First I didn't know what to say because I thought it was weird that I would talk to Amber's boyfriend. But soon it became natural. And we were talking every friday when I was supposed to sit alone. It went on for months. Amber and James were part of a group of friends, but excually they weren't friends anymore with them. So that's what we talked about the most. One day I got an inventation for a BBQ, normally I would love to go to a BBQ. But this it was different because I didn't like the people who the party was from. James told me I shouldn't go, but I didn't wanted to be the bad person here. And I decided that I would think about it. At this point I didn' t had the idea that I was doing something wrong with James. I didn't realise what the consequences could be for a longer period....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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