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"you're not good enough!! you never will be! we're over. for good this time."

that scene trapped me in my own thoughts on how disgusting i really was. i traced my scars and my bruises as tears rolled down my red, puffy cheeks that morning.

imperfect. that's what i am.

may 6; 9:32 am •

i shot up from my bed right as my dad called my name.


well now you know my name.

"yes father?" i quietly sigh and rub my eyes.

"i need you to drive your brother to soccer practice!"

if i complained, then i would probably get yelled at and beat so i didn't.


i threw on a cozy sweatshirt and jean shorts on and quickly slipped on my vans.

"david are you ready to go?"

i opened the door to his room and realized that he wasn't there.

here's a little bit of background on the sibling situation. i am the oldest, 17, then timothy, 12, david, 9, then ashley, 3.

i know as family you're not supposed to pick favorites, but david was the one who changed my mind about that whole "rule." he is the sweetest boy you'll ever meet and i don't even think we've ever gotten into fights. timothy and ashley are brats, but i love them anyway.


i looked all around the house. no sign of david.

"father, where's david?"

"i don't know, find him." he coughed then took another drink of his drink.

my dad didn't have coffee in the morning like most dads, he drank alcohol. yeah, he is an alcoholic. what got him to start drinking was that he loved my mother more than words can imagine. their relationship was unconditional. when she passed away about a year ago, that's when he started abusing us children and drinking his problems away. if only he were sober enough to know that his make believe was our reality.

i looked in his room, no david. looked in the car, still, no david. looked in our secret hiding spot, nope, not there. at this point, i started panicking. i ran up to tim's room and woke him up.


"bethany what the heck?! it's too early for this. and no why would i? also why is your face red? ooo did your little boyfriend break up with youu?" he took out his camera and i stormed out of his room, slamming the door.
bad idea.

i quietly walk into ashley's room and wake her up gently.
"hey ash? do you know where david is?"

"nuh-uh" she hummed sleepily.

i then quietly walked out of the room closing the door as slowly as i could.
i walk towards the bathroom to grab some deodorant and perfume when i glance at the bathtub.

i instantly drop the deodorant and dropped to my knees, shocked at what i had just saw. david was in there..

..but part of him wasn't.

david had killed himself at age nine.


A/N: DISCLAIMER!!!! PLEASE READ!!! NOTHING IS THIS BOOK IS BASED OFF OF ANY TRUE STORY. THIS IS ALL MADE UP!! also, there is a disclaimer at the beginning of this chapter, so sensitivity warning to those who are sensitive to these types of topics. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION OKAY (562 words)

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