Chapter 1

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A guy stands on the edge of a crosswalk, his headphones plugged in his ears. You can tell he was "all that" from the way he stands, his outfit, and the way he acknowledges other people.

On the other side of that crosswalk, a girl stands there. She has a messed up bike that delivers food from place to place. Her white shoes are dirtied and she constantly checks the watch on her clock, anxiously as if in a rush.

When the green light starts to blink, they cross paths...maybe destinies?


"Sora! We have a delivery to 1-1007 Pyeongchang-Dong!" The ajumma calls out to Sora.

Sora looks up from the table she is serving and smiles brightly, "Ne!"
She bows to the customers she is currently serving and runs to the delivery counter.

"Am I delivering 1 tteokboki, 1 kimbab, and 2 drumsticks?" Sora asked the ajumma.

"Ya. My back hurts so I don't think I can do anymore that ok?" She asked Sora. I'll give you a bigger salary! She added.

Sora smiled brightly and said it was ok, but on the inside, she was dying. That would mean 2x the least she would get more money for her and her sister.

*Sora lives alone with her younger sister. Her father died and her mother ran away when Sora was 13. Ever since then, she has been supporting her and her sister through endless part time jobs.*

She took the food and loaded it onto the basket on her bike. She took off to 1-1007 Pyeongchang-dong... The richest neighborhood in Korea.


"Did you order what I asked for?" Himchan asks impatiently.

"Yes, they should be coming now." His close secretary said with his head bowed.

"Now?!" Himchan slammed his book down on the table making the secretary flinch. "They should be almost here! Not, they're leaving now!" Himchan yelled.

The secretary apologizes and Himchan shooes him out of the room.

"What kind of delivery takes so long?" He thinks to himself.

*Himchan is a stuck up CEO at a famous gallery mall. He got his job through all his studies from abroad and the approval of his grandfather. Himchan only knows himself and doesn't think for anybody else but him. He is rather impatient and gets frustrated over the littlest things.*

Finally the doorbell rang. Himchan looked up in a glare as the secretary opened the door for the delivery man...girl? Sora shuffled in the room setting the food down on the table in front of Himchan. He looked up at her in mock curiosity.

"I don't eat over here." He pointed. "I eat over there." He pointed behind him. "Move it there." He jabbed the air behind him.

Sora just scoffed and held her hand out for the money. "Am I your servant? You move it over there! Gosh! Rich people these days."

Himchan looked up at her in alarm, his face turned into shock, then into fury.
The secretary quickly put money in Sora's hand, knowing that he will blow up soon.
She bowed once, quite arrogantly and walked out of the house with dignity.

"Who is that girl? How dare she...?" Himchan scoffed as he looked back in the direction of where she had left.


The next day was work day for Himchan. Thankfully he is an early bird, so he doesn't have to be waken up in the morning.
The reminder to get ready on his phone turned on. Himchan sighed and closed the reminder, heading towards the bathroom.

When he was done brushing his teeth, washing his face, and waxing his hair. He walked into his enormous closet filled with every type of article of clothing in several different colors.
He skimmed his hand over his business suits section. He picked an outfit and got ready to leave.
When he came out of the room, his secretary came running forward.

"You're done? I'll get the car ready."

"Uh." Himchan nodded.

The car was prepared and Himchan made his way to the mall.

Meanwhile Seoyeon is running more and more errands and is busier than ever.

"Sora! Over here!"

"Sora! More kimbab!"

The name Sora is emitting from everywhere. She smiles and bows as much as she can, giving what the customer wants.

"Sora...we have another delivery. I'll take care of these people!" Ajumma called out.

"Ne! To where?" Sora asks while setting down food on the table.

"The famous mall right around the corner." The ajumma said.

Sora picked up the delivery food on the counter and headed out the door, onto her bike, and to the mall.

The mall was huge! Tons of customers piled in and out making it impossible for Sora to get anywhere. She nudged through people that constantly shoved her. When she finally broke through, she headed to the location that was written down on the slip of paper.

Himchan had just arrived and was turning the corner when he bumped into Sora. She had fallen on the floor and was getting her things together.

"Mianhaeyo..." She apologized as she got up and bowed.

Himchan hadn't looked at who he bumped into and just scowled. When Sora saw who she had bumped into, she gasped.


Himchan looked up in agitation and saw who it was. He smirked slyly.


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