Uthese, Houva - Sunday June 12th 04:23

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I'm running through the streets with Kathy. It's still dark, but it won't be long before the sun will come up and blow our last cover. We won't be able to hide in the dark anymore and we'll be found in less than five minutes. I can hear the ordersoldiers screaming behind us while they try to catch up and and wonder how the neighborhood is still asleep. When we turn right for the so-many-th time I can hear they're not far behind anymore. Maybe this had been a mistake. We never got caught before, but I was beginning to think tonight could be the first time. But I can't really think about it for long because Kathy pulls me on my arm to the left, and for a minute I'm questioning why. Then I see an old worn down cottage and I realized she's found a perfect hiding spot. Perfect, because nobody would think to go in there. We keep quiet as the soldiers run past the cottage, quite loudly I might add, and then we allow ourselves to breath again. We're save for now, but we still try to make as little noise as possible. As we sit down on the wooden floor I remember how I thought this was all a mistake a few minutes ago. I look at Kathy who's sitting next to me. She smiles at me softly. No, this was no mistake. Never was and never will be. I've of course had my doubts before, but I still feel ashamed whenever I doubt our decision once again. Kathy had never doubted it. I remember the time where I'd been so afraid I'd told her everything. How I was thinking that we'd be caught, that it was stupid of us to make that decision. That love was stupid anyways. I know I hurt her with it. But Kathy had just reassured me that we'd be okay, that it was okay to think about our decision like that, that I shouldn't keep it in. But I'd seen the hurt in her eyes.

"What are you thinking about?" She asks me, shocking me back to reality.
"Nothing special." I reply softly. She look at me with her head slightly tilted to the side. I know she doesn't trust me. She knows I'm doubting things again.
"Do you ever wish you'd have never met me?" She asks me after a while. I look at her, shock clear on my face for certain.
"No. You know I have my doubts sometimes, but my life would be nothing without you."
Kathy holds my gaze for awhile, searching my face as if it will tell her if I'm lying or not. It probably does, because I suck at hiding things. Then she turns her head away, but I think I can see a rosy colour forming on her cheeks. I smile at her softly.
"Aaaaaaw. Is the Kathy Howll blushing?" I say mocking her gently. She glares at me in response, but I can see she's trying not to smile.

It makes me think of the time we hadn't shared our criminal secret. I was around fourteen when I began to notice. We'd talk about everyday stuff, and randomly give each other compliments. Each time I'd have to hide my blushing cheeks, because if she found out how I felt when she gave me a compliment she never speak to me again. Or worse, she'd tell her parents, or even the authorities! But at some point she must have figured it out, because as I said before, I suck at hiding things. But she never mentioned anything concerning my blushing cheeks and criminal secret.
One day while we're sitting in my room and both my parents weren't home, it happened. It was late when it happened, so late that the only source of light came from the lamp hanging from the ceiling. Me and Kathy we're sitting on my bed and watching a movie. I remember exactly which one: Black Beauty. We where sixteen by then. I don't exactly remember where we where in the movie but at some point Kathy asks me: "You like me right?". I put the movie on pause, so I can look her in the eye without getting distracted.
"Uhm yeah of course. We're friends. 'Course I like you." Was my reply. I hadn't understood what she meant, because in my eyes her liking me back in the same way was the definition of impossible when you looked it up in the dictionary.
"No I mean... Do you like me? Like like. You know?"
Maybe I should explain why that is so dangerous to ask in Uthese. Homosexuality, being lesbian or liking someone of the same gender is strictly against the law. It was a law made a long time ago, when humans almost went instinct. Because only a man and a woman could have a child, only a man and woman were allowed to have a relationship. So more children would join the living than that joined the dead.
Now, a few generations later, the idea that homosexuality is a crime has been stamped into everyone's brains. They see it as a threat to the human race. They use propaganda to convince people that being straight is the only right option. They say things like: "It's selfish to like the same gender. To just let the human race die because you like someone!". Total nonsense, because there are more than enough living people now.
However, it's still punishable. The punishment they use after you've been arrested is even more idiotic than the law. Camp.
I know, you must be thinking: "Oh? Camp? Just camp? Is that everything? Then what's all the drama about?".
They're withdrawal camps. Like we're addicts.
Officially they're called withdrawal camps, but everyone has started to call them 'gay' camps. Completely ridiculous name if you ask me, because there are more sexualities where you can like the same gender.
But if you hear about my world like this, you probably image it to pretty much be a wasteland. It's not though. There are three worldIslands that once together formed earth: Techco, Neturia and Houva. Together they now form Uthese. The so called perfect world.
I don't really know how they did it, but when earth was decaying, a few really smart and technical people split earth up into three worldIslands. They even managed to not swing us right out of the solar system. Or completely destroy us.
Each three islands have a main quality or role. Techco manages al the technical stuff. Stuff like spacehovers that connect the three worldIslands. On Neturia it's all about life. Nature, day and night and fresh, clean, drinkable water for instance. And on Houva it's about love. That island is a big lie. Because the only love that is allowed is the love between a woman and a man.
So back to my room, where Kathy just asked me one of the most dangerous questions.
"No... I mean do you like me? Like like. You know?"
I swear I turned to stone and Kathy was Medusa. "What?" I asked softly. Even if I did just almost piss my pants, I began to blush. I tried to hide it, but I guess it's noticeable when you randomly cover your face with your hands. So Kathy gently pried my hands of my face. Her face was suddenly really close to mine.
"Because I do like you. Like like." She had told me softly. Now take a moment to think about how brave that is. If I had ever told my parents, they'd have called the ordersoldiers and taken her away. But I didn't. Because what she did after her confession, made my knees weak and my hart melt.
She kissed me. Full on the lips. And I kissed back.
The next morning we ran away with just a few things stuffed in two duffel bags. We never went back.

When I feel two warm lips on mine I'm back in the old cottage, next to Kathy. And again I know for sure, this is enough.
And when we stop kissing I look her right in her beautiful eyes and whisper: "I love you, Kathy Howll.
And then she says: "I love you too, Elain Winters."

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