The Tinkerbell Effect: Chapter Three

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I am SO sorry for the wait!!  A lot of things caused the delay.  Summer, procrastination, writer's block, etc.  I have been busy with other things lately!  But I am really happy I was finally able to get this finished for you guys and I hope you like it.  Please 'o please tell me what you think with your votes and comments?? :)

BTW, there WILL be errors in tense for I have not fully edited the chapter.

Chapter 3

     Only the sound of the backdoor opening unfroze me.  They have always had trouble with that door because of the foundation it sits on.  When it opens, a perfectly harsh scraping sound pierces your ears.  I jumped at the sound and whirled around in fright to find Loewen stepping out.  She saw the look on my face and scrunched her face up.

     “Why are you out here?  Everyone has been look-”  she stopped mid-sentence as her eyes fell down to Jason’s body on the ground.  She looked more confused than anything.  “What the hell happened?”

     Instantly I was searching the darkness, but of course there wasn’t anything in sight.  Another chill ran up and down my spine.  He is real.  The guy in my dream is real.  I grabbed my head and rubbed my temples hard.  I don’t know what is going on, but it is really starting to freak me out.

     I momentarily forget about those brilliant eyes when a groan escapes Jason.  I step a little closer to get a better look at him.  His face is covered in dirt, and he is bleeding a little, but besides that he seemed fine.  Once he registered I was looking at him he began to struggle in the roots, eyes going wide.

     “Get away from me!”  Jason yells at me, yanking hard to try to free himself.  A surge of surprise flows through me.  He really thinks I did all of that?  Another look at his face says he indeed does think that.  I slowly back away and Loewen steps forward, rolling up invisible sleeves then bending down to yank at the tree roots herself.  Her expression said she still had no clue what was going on.

     After some tugging Jason was finally free.  He sprang up so fast I’m surprised he didn’t fall right back over.  He took one more incredulous look at me then ran back into the house.  The whole thing was so bizarre I didn’t even feel angry about the situation he put me in.  I feel like I have to persuade him that none of that was me, that it was a pair of silver orbs.  My shoulders hunch over and I plop into the lawn chair I tripped over before.  Hands find my temples quick and I rub harshly on them as if I am experiencing a migraine.

     Loewen sat on the grass in front of me and waited for me to tell her what just happened.  But quite frankly, I don’t even know.  I sigh and look up at her confused face.  Music still vibrated around me, so Jason must not have stopped the party to tell everyone I’m a freak.

     Lo clears her throat, clearly aggravated with my silence.  She squirms around in the grass, trying her hardest to be patient with me.  The failed attempt almost had me smiling.  Almost.  I am still too caught up in current events to have the strength.

     Something in my expression made Loewen’s annoyed face soften.  “Kira, what’s wrong?  What happened?”

     I sigh and shake my head.

     “I don’t know.  I don’t know.”

     I have finally settled on an explanation for yesterday night.  There were never any eyes hidden in the trees.  It was entirely too dark to have possibly seen eyes in that black abyss.  I simply imagined them because of the unusual dream.  Yeah, that’s it.

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