Chapter Four

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December 2nd, 6:59 p.m.

As soon as Carl saw Jessica he jumped out of the car and ran after me.

"You stupid bitch!" I screamed at her while running towards her.

Jessica turned around acting confused. 

"Sorry, do I know you?" The sight of her smiling made me want to knock her teeth in.

"Yeah bitch, you do. I'm Jim's girlfriend. Well, ex-girlfriend thanks to you." 

Carl ran up to us and pulled me back a few steps.

"I didn't know he's married. That explains why he was down to fuck so early, because he wasn't getting any from his boring girlfriend." She laughed.

Carl looked at me with wide eyes and turned back to her. "Excuse me bitch, but you're the one who's so desperate to get a promotion that you'll sloop so low as to fuck your boss. So, yes bitch smile because you just confirmed everyone's thoughts about you." Carl grabbed my hand.

Jessica stood there in shock.

Carl went to pull me away, but I stopped him. "Wait. I have something to say." I walked back over to her. "How long?" I asked, not ready to hear the answer. 

She smiled. "Three months. You should've had a clue after you guys stopped sleeping together for months."

My eyebrows jumped up. "Where'd you get that we weren't sleeping together?" Now it was my turn to smile. "Oh you poor thing. He told you we weren't sleeping together?" She nodded. I laughed, "than how am I four weeks pregnant?"

Her eyes darted at my stomach. "You're pregnant!?"

I smiled and me and Carl walked back to the car. I could hear her behind me swearing.

We got back into the car and continued to the police station.

"What was that all about?" Linda asked.

"Just a desperate hoe." Carl replied. For the first time all day I genuinely laughed. 

December 2nd, 9:14 p.m.

"We've been waiting here for two hours. When is someone going to talk to us?" Linda asked. 

I glared around the room. People were screaming, crying, yelling in pain. It looked just like the hospital. Blood smeared the walls and you couldn't tell if people were dead or alive. A body on the ground a couple feet in front of us screamed out in pain.

Carl calmed Linda down while I stared at the man. He was older, late forties, early fifties. He had dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. For a second he looked at me before going back to screaming. 

"Sir?" I reached down to help him up. "Sir are you all right?" 

Carl slapped my hand and pulled me into a corner of the police station. "What are you doing? You can't be going up to people. After what we saw on the news, we have to be careful. We don't know what is going on." 

I nodded. "You're right. I'm sorry." I glanced over at a vending machine down the hall. I pulled out my wallet. "Do you or Linda want something to eat? I know I'm starving."

He nodded. "Just grab us anything that's left." 

I made my way towards the vending machine, pushing past sick and wounded people. I tried not to touch anyone. If whatever was going around was contagious, I didn't want it. I entered my dollar into the machine and pushed B4. The machine slowly pushed the bag of chips out, but stopped as the bag got to the end.

"Come on!" I exclaimed.

"Let me help you with that." A cop in his mid twenties approached me. He set his coffee cup onto the stand next to the vending machine and turned to me and smiled. "Sometimes it gets stuck. Me and some other officers usually just get our snacks at the gas station down the road."

I tried to push a smile onto my face. "Yeah, well I don't feel like driving down the road to get a bag of chips."

He laughed and shook the machine. When the bag fell to my feet I heard a loud scream from the waiting area. 

"What the hell."  The cop ran past me and into the main lobby.

I moved closer to watch from afar. I could see Linda and Carl across from me. I looked to where the loud screeches where coming from. It was the man that was laying in front of me. 

The man started having a seizure and foam streamed from his mouth, then blood started to pour out of his eyes and nose. 

"Is anyone here a doctor!?" The cop screamed. 

Carl looked at me and shook his head. 

I couldn't just let the man die. I had to help him. Before my relationship with Jim I was somebody else, someone who helped people. I dedicated my life to it, but now I'm no one because of that night four years ago. 

"I am!" I shouted and ran over to the man as everyone gathered around. The cop looked at me and smiled. I tried to turn the man on his side, but he was too heavy. "Help me turn him over." The cop nodded and moved next to me. 

The man again started screaming, this time it was too loud. I couldn't move. All I could do is cover my ears. Everyone else did the same. As the screaming stopped the cop checked for a pulse. 

"He's dead."

Carl pulled me back.

"We have to leave. It's not safe here." 

I shook my head. "We can't leave all these people here to end up like that news reporter."

Carl looked away from me. "Fine, but the best we can do is warn them, than we're leaving." 

The man on the ground stood up. Everyone watched him in shock.

The cop looked at me. "What's going on?"

"I'm not sure."

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