Chapter Seven

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David opens his eyes, lazyly lifting his head. Gwen was still sleeping on the chair, but Max was nowhere to be seen. David stands up and stretches while he walks to the bathroom. Thinking Max is in there he knocks, as his hand hits it the door opens to an empty bathroom. David puzzled on where he his he runs up to his room. When he slowly opens the door he sees Max sleeping in the bed. David is about to shut the door puzzled on what happened, until Max turns over and gives David a soft smile. David nods back at Max and shuts the door. He walks down stairs to see Gwen awake.

"When is the furniture coming?" Gwen asks in a sleepy voice.

"Tomorrow, today is dedicated for Luci and paperwork," David says as he sits down.

"Who is Luci?" Gwen asks while she rubs her eyes.

"The social worker, she came here yesterday. She said she is coming back today," David says as he walks to the kitchen to start brewing coffee.

"Okay what time is she coming?" Gwen asks as she follows him.
"I don't think she said," David says as he pauses trying to remember.

"What do you think, Ten like last time?" Gwen asks while sitting down at the table.

"Yah, I think that is the best bet," David says while he grabs two cups.

David fills one cup with coffee and he hands it to Gwen. He then walks over to the fridge, and grabs six eggs. He starts the stove grabs a pan and he proceeds to make eggs. When he hears thumping he grabs Max's nope cup and fills it. When Max walks into the room David hands him his cup. Max happily takes it and takes a big swig. David turns back around and finish his eggs. He puts out plates and silverware for Gwen and Max. Both just looked a little dead inside, slowly coming to life with the coffee. David starts toast, and grabs orange juice from the fridge. When the toast pops up he puts a smidgen of butter, and puts it on their plates. He fills a cup with OJ, grabs a set for himself puts and puts it on the table. He then finishes with putting eggs on everyone's plate, then he starts digging in.

"Thank you," Gwen says as she starts digging in herself.

"No problem Gwen," David says with putting emphasis on Gwen trying to key Max in on saying thank you.

"Thank you," Max says with a big sigh and rolling of the eyes. David similes enjoying this small victory.

"This is really good," Gwen says while getting up to wipe off the scraps off her plate.

"Thank you," David says while he smiles.

"May I be excused?" Gwen asks while winking at David.

"Yes you may, thank you for asking," David says while he give her his big smile. Max was looking back and forth with a confused look.

"Why did you ask to be excused?" Max asks loudly while looking at Gwen.

"That is what your supposed to do in some households. Before you ask I don't know why. I just know that is how it is here," Gwen says while forcing a smile.

"Why did you not just say something? Why did you go through as this beat around the bush shit?" Max asks clearly pissed off.

"I... Um... I" David says not knowing how to go about this.

"Well David?" Max asks getting more aggressive.

"Listen here Max, David did not want to push to many rules on you to fast. So being aggressive or mean is an ass move. He was trying to be nice and not tell you, this was all me." Gwen says clearly pissed off.

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