Noona's Groundhog Day

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I forgot I had wrote this and found it when I was going through my stories.  I wrote this last summer when I was going through a hard time.  I needed an outlet and it was fun to write myself into a story.  This features characters from my Sotus House fanfiction.  I'm posting it now because I can and maybe it will give someone a laugh. 

Fun fact: From this story the idea for Wobniar Academy was born. Happy reading my lovelies!




"Noona!  Noona! Wake the fuck up!  We're going to be late for class."

Blinking my eyes open I want to know why someone is waking me up so damn early.  I just went to sleep what seemed just a moment ago and I didn't have to work until the afternoon.  Wait, did they say late for class?

"Finally, let's go.  Mr. Morris will have our asses if we're late again.  Don't you sleep at night? You're always napping in between our classes making us late.  I'm leaving your ass next time," the voice rambles on in annoyance.

He isn't the only one annoyed.  I'm not ready to be out of dreamland.  Mmmmm, I was just getting to the good part with Thor and I don't have the slightest idea what the hell he is talking about, late for classes.

"What the hell are you going on about?  I don't have to work until Noon. Go the fuck away!" I yell not bothering to even pick my head up from off my arm.  Hold up. Why am I not in bed? That wakes my up. Raising my head I'm shocked to see my angel baby. How is a character from my fan fiction staring at me?  Seriously, I have quite the imagination, this kid is stunning. What was he wearing?

Rolling his eyes at me he grabs my arm and starts dragging me who the fuck knows where.  Looking at myself I'm wearing the same type of clothes. Starting to pay attention now I notice we are passing several familiar faces but how the hell are we all in one place?!  Shoving me roughly in a doorway I recognize with a sinking feeling I know exactly where I am. A classroom of some kind. The sight of thirty uniform tiny as fuck desks are starting to give me a panic attack.

"Noona, move your tush.  Take a seat before the teacher gets here."

Do I have to?  This has to be a nightmare.  I slap my face hoping to wake up.  Nope I'm still in hell.

Ding, dong, ding.

"Ms. Ray, since you haven't taken a seat does this mean you want to give the first presentation?" Mr. Morris asks.

Presentation?  I don't even know what class I'm in.  I quickly shake my head no and scurry over to the empty desk next to Cee.  He just smirks and laughs at me. I flip him off. Rummaging in the bag I am carrying I pull out a book, notebook, and small school handbook.  Speech. Great, my absolute favorite. Looking at the handbook my mouth falls open in shock.

Wobniar Academy
12th Grade

I'm in boarding school?  WTH! Wait! I'm 17 again?  In the movies when something like this happens isn't it triggered by a tragedy?  All I did was go to sleep.

I feel sick.

"Yes Ms. Ray," Mr. Morris says on a sigh.

"Um can I go to the nurses, female problems," I bite my lip wincing in pain.  Mention anything remotely related to a woman's "monthly" and watch a man squirm like a little bitch.  Like to see you bleed out of your pee hole, shove a fucking piece of cardboard up it with a wad of cotton, and endure nasty cramps for several days of the month.  Then let's talk about "who's the man" then, bunch of fucking babies.

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