(Boy)Friend Rules

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Who else was a little disappointed with how LBC ended Tin and Can's story? I'm sure in the book they have a happy ending but I won't know until the English translation comes out. So until then I wrote a happy, fluffy ending that I like much better. Hopefully you guys enjoy it too. Happy reading my lovelies!


Can’s POV


“Why can’t we just be friends?!” I shout startling the people around me.  My friends are used to my random outbursts and they keep on eating. I’m not hungry.  I pick at my food before pushing my plate away and thunking my head down on the table.

“Are...you...sick?” Good asks.

“No,” I moan.



“Aren’t you going to class?”

I pick my head up to find that I’m alone except for Type who has taken a seat across from me.

“Why can’t we just be friends?” I whine.  Type doesn’t even blink at my question.

“You and that IC guy?”

I nod.

“Friends don’t usually kiss, Can,” Type says with a smirk.

My fingers fly to my mouth.  How does he know? Did I tell him?

“I saw him kiss you.  You didn’t seem to hate it.”

No, I didn’t hate it or him.  I stopped hating him a while ago.  After hearing his story it was hard not to understand why he acted the way he did.  I like making him smile.

“Do you like him?”

“Yes,” I say without hesitation.  I do like him.

“But only as friends?”

“Yes?”  It comes out more like a question than a definite answer.

“Sounds like you aren’t sure.”

Right there is my problem.  I’m not sure. I’m confused.  How did we go from me punching him to me paying him in kisses?  Do people’s feelings change that fast? How can I trust that he really likes me?  He was asking Pete out just a few weeks ago.

“What is on your mind Can?” Type gives me a gentle smile.

“12,980,” I murmur.  12,980 minutes since Tin and I last spoke.  “I miss him.”

“You have your answer.  Go to class. I’ll see you later at practice.”  Type pats my shoulder before walking away.

“But what was the question?!”

As I sit in class I decide to make a list to help sort out my thoughts.

To Date or Not to Date

Generous--But he thinks he can buy me.

Very loyal--Does he still like Pete?

Yummy Kisses--Dude is a kiss monster!

Handsome--When did I start finding boys handsome????


Can I really be who he wants?  Do I love him?

All I do know is that I miss him.  I have felt his absence in every one of those 13,005 minutes.

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