nice work, samurai (klance)

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keith sat alone in his room, staring at his new weapon. 'i should probably go train..' he thought to himself. keith got off his bed and started making his way to the training deck only to see lance there. great. "he's actually training for once, might as well watch him while i can."

lance was training as hard as he could, he was concentrating on the things happening around him, the sounds, everything. he closes his eyes and suddenly his gun turns into a sword. 'woah..' his stance wasn't the best but he managed to take out the rest of the drones.

keith was shocked, a sword?! 'f-fuck i'm so gay for hi- wait this is the perfect chance! i'll go tech him how to use his sword, ohmygod ohmygod ok calm down-'. keith made his way to the training deck, "hey lance!" he saw lance jump a little, he then turned round to meet keiths eyes. "h-hi.."

lance saw keith smirking, why is he smirking? why does he look hot? ohmygod please stop smirking at me my bi heart can't take it aAAA. "looks like you need some help with getting the hang of that sword, you want my help?" lance was too busy staring at keiths lips to notice that he was talking to him.

keith coughed, "uh, lance?"

"oh uh, y-yeah sure!" fuck this is not going to end well.

keith would have picked up on the fact that lance is totally crushing on him, but he's oblivious to everything so, he didn't notice.

keith made his way over to lance. "ok, so i need you to stand straight, and hold your sword down to the ground. he stood behind lance waiting for him to get into the stance.

lance moved so his feet were shoulder width apart, and he held his sword down to the ground. "am i standing straight enough?" he asked. he sensed keith moving behind him and he felt hands on his hips. 'oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck'

"heh, your feet are in the right place, but your hips aren't so straight." keith slid his hands down to lances thighs, pushing his body in to the right stance. "here you go, that's better."

lance was screaming inside 'he was touching my thighs oh my god oh my god ahdjsjd'

(a/n: i have no idea how you use a sword or how you're supposed to stand so i'm sorry if this is completely wrong)

"ok, so. which arm are you more comfortable using? left or right?" keith asked.

lance thought for a second, "uh, left. i guess.."

keith moved to stand with his sword infront of lance, "it's quite hard to explain so i want you to match my stance, can you do that?" lance watched keith with determination, "of course i can! who do you take me for, keithy boy?"

keith glared at lance jokingly, "1) i was just teasing, and 2) do NOT call me that." lance chuckled, "sure thing, hot topic."

it was keiths turn to chuckle, "did you just call me hot?"

"um.. no."

"yes you did."

"no i didn't."

"you did, lance."

"i didn't, keith."

"you called me hot topic, so you think i'm hot."

lance was blushing madly now, "okay! we're supposed to be training c-can we do that, please?"

keith was blushing too, but he didn't realise that lance was.

(a/n: sigh, you oblivious boy)

"ok, make sure you bend your knees slightly, so it's easy to maintain your balance."

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