Chapter Three

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"Alan just one second" i lightly laughed as i finished changing and fixing the fresh crisp white bedding

."Ok so what did you want?"Fixing the hem of my cheetah print blouse i pushed the hair out of my face and waited for Alan's reply


"Can i ask you a question!" He smiled sitting in his freshly made bed.

"Alan you know the rules. Is it appropriate?" I asked raising an eyebrow.The thing is.

I work in a kind of rehab facility.Its hard to explain really but i'll try.

Say you had a stroke or you went into a coma and it affected your brain massively, such as loosing your memory.You would go to a clinic where they would learn you simple things such as walk properly. Speak properly. Understand things again.After there they would send you to where i work.They offer more advanced help Alan is one of them.I truly feel sorry for Alan as he's been neglected. In the past year of me working here non of his family or friends has made an appointment or even attempted to be in contact and check up on his progress here in the unit.He is under constant supervision even when asleep.A special mat is placed under his bed sheets in order to inform the nurses and carers here if Alan has a fit during the night or when having a nap. Marie and karl, my co-workers, tend to be the ones to supervise his actions at night although i have done a few night shifts myself. Its peaceful but you cannot sleep due to it being a waking-night shift.He has a full head of hair that is slightly longer on top along with a few bags under his eyes from lack of sleep due to something he refuses to tell me or other workers. He understands we're here to help him and is always cooperative when we need him to be.

He seems to be highly grateful for out work and it pleased with himself and his progress he has made here and as are the staff.

"No" He tends to have a habit of asking personal and inappropriate questions but he will always be truthful about what he is about to ask.

"Then you may not ask" i chuckled moving the new magazines from the desk to his bed side table. His room is black and white by his own choice but various red,blue white and green vases and canvas' scatter the room adding colour.

"Thank you" he smiled taking one from the pile, leaning back onto the headboard and reading before i said my byes and exited.

I do love it here. Its testing my health care abilities to the maximum but it also helps me learn alot more about people and i forget about the vice people crawling around.Mainly it shows me that even though there are certain disadvantages to life and there are cruel people roaming the surface that even in these circumstances people can help you and be there just to listen,talk, give advice or just be company.And thats what makes me happy to wake up in a morning; Knowing that even if i'm not wanted by certain people in the world, The people within this facility are grateful for my work along with the other staffs work.Alan may say harsh things to me at times but he fully understands that i am here to help him and make his life the best it can be.On multiple occasions he has thanked me for my overall work with not only himself but also the work i do for the other men and women positioned herewith very similar problems as his own. 

what upsets me is the other staff refer to them as 'patients' but if im honest, i hate that word. The men and women here are not here by choice, They were forced to be here by accidents although some call it 'fate'.

A woman named Phalicity in her late 20's says she was brought here by fate. She had a terrible home life and her husband would beat her. One day she decided to "up sticks and leave" as she described it. As she packed her bags her husband walked in before throwing her to the ground. Grabbing her things and running out of the house she ran into the road and was his by van. The impact on her from the van caused her head to hit the concrete, shattering parts of her skull.quite frankly she was lucky to survive such an incident and even the following operation.During the operation an eighth of her brain was removed and the shattered part of her skull was replaced with a metal plate.that's when she was re-abiliatated to us. She is truly the kindest woman i have met. She compliments me whether it be my makeup,clothes or hair, every time i walk by or visit her room. I finished work one night and she begged me to stay and talk. In the 2 hours i was there she had braided my hair and told me about her child hood and how she is an only child.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 ⏰

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