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Part 4 of The Haunted Season 1


Clarity's P.O.V

It was 10:05pm, I took out my computer, opened it and it said " LEAVE THIS HOUSE " across the screen, in DARK RED... I jumped, the computer fell on The floor, I hugged Marcus and had my head on his shoulder crying, and then the lights went out, I screamed " AAAAAHHH MARCUS I DON'T LIKE THE DARK, IM SCARED OF IT " he held me tight and said " baby it's ok " then I heard one of the girls scream and I'm like " oh hell no fuck the dark, this thing trying get my babies, it's about to get real "

I plundered around for a flashlight and I found a big bright one I turned it on and I flashed it on Marcus I was like " come on nigga " so I started walking to their room and I heard more screaming, Marcus was behind me, and we kept walking and we got to the room, I tried to open the door, but this shit wouldn't budge, so Marcus told me to back up and he tried to kick it down, but it wouldn't work

Then I tried it still DDNT work, and I hear destiny and desire yelling let go of me and I'm like " OH FUCK NO, U TOUCHING MY CHILD " I punched the door and made a big ass hole, then I kicked around it to make it bigger so I could fit in it, after 5 kicks the hole was big enough so me and Marcus climbed thru the door and saw destiny in the air, it looked like she couldn't move, and desire was being pulled towards the window, I go for desire, I try pulling her back but this thing was strong af, but I was a bit stronger

So I pulled her and pulled her and pulled her until this thing let go of her and me and her fell on the floor, she looked at me and said " mummy I scared " I was like " its ok baby go over there by daddy " she looked at Marcus and said " No something's happening to him " I look at him and see he's surrounded by these things, I could hear them tlkn to him, saying some spell, putting him under a charm, I'm like " ugh could this get any worse " and it did I was getting cut, slashes across my arm and legs, desire is looking at me then says mummy what Wong wid you " I'm like " idk baby " then she starts getting cut, shes screaming because it hurts and somehow her scream snapped Marcus out of what they were doing to him, he came running over looking at us with scared, worried, and amazement in his eyes

Marcus's P.O.V

we both forgot destiny was up there until she screamed, she yelled " mummy daddy HELP ME PWEASEEEE " so I jumped up and ran to her, I stood on the bed, pulling her down, or trying to at least,the thing that was holding her up, gave up, she dropped And I caught her.. All the things vanished and the lights went back on, our cuts were gone, then we ran to all the other rooms and the kids in there were scared and crying, we brung everyone into our room, and we comforted them, to get their minds of of it, we told them what we were doing tomorrow, all the kids smiled, we were going to a basketball game, hair salon ( they do hair cuts of course ), nail salon, and we were going shopping, they all had big smiles on their faces, we all cuddled up and watched marly and me..

My wife along with all the girls cried at the end because the dog died, the boys were helping their sisters to stop crying I was helping my wife I held her saying " aaawww baby you so emotional " I laughed and wiped her tears, the girls stopped crying, and she said, we can go to the pet shop Tomorrow too and

I'm like

" u no how much money all this is gonna cost "

Her: babe were basically rich..wealthy, we can buy anything

Me: yeah, until we go broke, I mumbled

Her: what you say Marcus ?

Me: oh, umm I said this family is dope

Her: mhm whatever I heard tht

and we all laughed and I said " aye, we got to go to sleep now, we have a big day tomorrow " and the kids said ok, I told the boys to go and put the girls to sleep and they like " ok, night mom night dad " then they took all their little sisters and started putting them to bed

Her: wow today was just ugh

Me: Ik baby, we got to move

Her: no -_- we can't afford it

Me: babe were basically rich, wealthy, we can buy anything (I said copying her voice)

Her: you slick nigga, ugh fine we can move

Me: ARD! I already bought the house lets pack

Her: -_____- WOOOOW ARD wait until tomorrow is over, we can pack the next day

Me: ugh ARD

so she talked me to sleep, and she notices and says " this nigga went to sleep " then grunted and layed on her pillow and fell asleep, the next morning we all woke up and....


Aye, I hope you liking it so far, comment PLEASE and fan and vote and share if you can

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