After about 20 minuest of sitting in a creepy alley I finally decided to get up and go do something. Maybe I should just go shopping or something. I looked at my fappacino sitting next to me, it was un harmed and still cold so I picked it up and began to drink it. The cafine calmed my system a bit more.
I walked around for about 5 minutes before coming to a store called 'nothing major' I went inside and looked around searching for a dress and some jeans. The lady in the store looked nice and as soon as I came in she approached me
" what are you looking for?" she had short blonde hair and a nice blue suite on
" I have a date tonight and i want a nice dress" she nodded her head understadnig "and also some jeans i'll be in town awhile"
she laughed leading me to a section of some nice dresses "do you like this guy?"
"we've been friends for ahwile but i don't think so"
she smiled "oh,so your transitiong?"
"to what"
"the more than friends stage-dating?"
" oh no"
"well you still need an amazing dress and i have just the thing"
I smiled, she began picking dresses out and laying them on my hands motioning for me to go try some of them on. Once I had about 5 dresses in my hands i went into the dressing room trying some of them on.
to tight
not the right color
to loose
top was to tight
bottom was ugly
color was ugly
hated the arms
looked weird
this went on for hours before i finally saw one dress that complety stole me was an little black dress the collar went all the way up to my neck.the front and back both had lace and sparkles. the back zipper went up to my torso and there was a cut out in the was gorgeouse. (picture linked) i already had some black high heels that i was gonna wear. i planned on curling my hair too.
look at me, getting all excited over a guy.
I waited outside by Dane's car with my dress on and clutch in hand. My stomach was going nuts you could tell I was nervous right now.
He came out the door effotlessly, buttoing his suit bottons as he walked down the stairs, I could smell his expensive colgne all the way from over here and it was making my stomach do flips. I became calm when he approached me, it was the only way I wasn't going to smile. "you look stunning" his deep voice was loud in the quite drive way.
there was loud bang from the poarch we both turned and looked only to see Shandy, Tanner,Wedge and Alec. Tanner and Wedge were on the ground, I'm guessing they had fell
"I told them not to spy, but they didn't listen" Alec said innocently as he looked at Tanner in shame
I laughed and Dane spoke" Yeah, I doubt that" I smiled and watched as Wedge got up
"these fat asses got us caught" she said brushing off her top.
"No I think it was you too" Shandy said with her phone facing them
" are you recording" wedge said laughing , shandy shook her head and began to run for it "your gonna get it" wedge said as she raced after her.
I laughed as Tanner and Alec came by Dane's car. He unlocked it and I walked around to the passenger side
"aww.. let us come! we won't bother you " Tanner said
"yeah well be good 3rd wheels" Alec said
Dane and I got into the car "goodbye guys" Dane said as he closed his door. He started the car and it was funny watching there mouths as Dane turned on the radio "what I cant hear you"
We began to back out of the drive way " you ready for an awesome date?"
"as ready as I'll ever be" I clutched onto my purse as he began to go 60mph.
"that was a great dinner" Dane said as he handed the waitress the bill. she smiled seductivly
I rolled my eyes which somehow got Dane's attention causing him to laugh. The waitress walked off happy she had a nice tip. I admit Dane tipped too much but i wasnt going to say anything.
"shall we move onto the next part of our date?" he said helping me out of my chair
"theres more?"
He smiled " of course there more"
We had arrived at a barn called SavlidHill Ranch. It was a little white house, maybe two floors. It was beautiful, surrounded by flowers and there was open trail that lead to somewhere and i really wanted to see where it did.
"Is it creepy that i can tell what your thinking?" Dane asked staring at me
" I dont know, for me its not"
"good" he looked around "come on your next surprise is in here. inside the barn he led me into a room with horses. They were all so beautiful, I wanted to touch them but i didnt want the react crazy or anything.
He helped me dress the horse and get on it. I rode a male horse he was brown with a dirty blonde tail, he was gorgeouse. Dane instructed me how to ride it, I had rode before but it'd been a long time. He pulled up on his horse beside me "Too cliche?"
I gripped the ropes on my horse and smiled " a bit" We rode for a bout 15 minutes until Dane told me to stop. " I need help down" I pathetically admited. He smiled more than happy to help me
He held my waist strongly and placed me on the ground"are you sure you want me to put you down? because I could carry you if you like"
" then whats the fun in having feet?"
" you can play with them" he laugh and i laughed
" i can walk" he spun me around grabbing my hand
"this way" it was dark, I felt like at any momment a killer would jump out but Dane was built for his age and lets face it, i would run so fast if even a mouse jumped out. we stopped once we landed on a gazebo. he led me up the stairs untill we were standing in the middle. There were lighs around the top of the gazebo and a candles, lots of them. There was stero with music coming out of it, wow that old but it was sweet.
" I remeber on senior year... When your date had ditched you. I came and we danced to this song... i remeber because you said you loved it and that night you downloaded it. I came by in the morning and you were blasting the song while you were in the shower, you were horrible but you still sang alone" I laughed and covered my face in embarresment
"God.. you stilll remeber that" he smiled. The someone was Brandon, and I did love this song, It made me like Dane even more as a friend.
" yeah" he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him as the song started to play "will you dance with me"
"yeah" I was blushing and I couldnt help it. I gently placed my head on Dane's shoulder as we danced back and forth
When the song ended we just stood there in a akward hug. "Alva?"
he sounded like he was gonna say something seriouse, I dIdnt want seriouse right now "no... just stand here and hold me" I said
He laughed and I could feel it on my head since he was taller than me "okay"
I wasnt thinking about Brandon or how much he had hurt me, I was standing here in Dane's arm and I knew that I was falling for him, I just wasnt sure if i wanted my self too.

CYNICAL ( lilly collins)
Короткий рассказWhen 6 friend Shandy, Tanner, Wedge, Alec, Dane and Alva are separated by the upcoming of college they go there separate ways but not before they make one last memory. Six Years later they make plans but when they see each other they realize high sc...