I woke up to hot breath, like someone was in my room lying next to me. It was to early for my eye sight to be perfect so I rubbed them with my hands and sat up.
Wedge snorted lightly beside me. I got up looking out the window. It looked like it had just rained last nigbt, and maybe some thunder. Wait, Is wedge still afraid of thunder?
I looked over at wedge lying on my pillow, yep. "Still afriad of thunder ?" I said laughing
"Shut up" she said as she turned over taking up the whole bed.
I heard voices coming down from the front room, mainly Tanners. I checked myself in the mirrow then brushed my hair and teeth.
I quietly made my way downstairs, only the boys were sitting in the couch.
"If she find out she's gonna kill you" Alec said
"What else was I supposed to do?" It was a conversation between Tanner and Alec.
I figured it was nothing so I began to strolled down the staircase, instead of the escalator.
"Good morning" I said to them all
Tanner seemed a bit tense, but be said "Good morning" then went to his room.
Ever since last night, I wanted to some how thank Dane. He saved me from a rough time after Brandon and even now.. Trying to get me to love again. I just don't want to hurt him, even if it's bound to happen I want to limit the possibilities.
I decided we go see a movie and do some shopping.
I went to Danes door and knocked on it. I really wanted him to get up so we could go early. That and I didn't want this to seem like a date.
Even though it is.
"Hey Dane, you up?" I knocked on the door.
I heard a grount and movement. The floor didn't creek as he walked to the door, but I heard him coming, must be messy In there.
He opened the door and it was messy. Shoes and clothes everywhere and bras. Wait, I scanned the floor folowing the pile. It looked like he had a blonde in his bed.
She sighed and sat up " I should go" of course, it would be Shandys voice.
I felt betrayed, So betrayed. She knew it too, just with one glare and she was about to apologize but she knew I didn't wanna hear it So, she got up and went to the bathroom.
Dane starred at me "this is a mistake" he shook his head, yeah sleeping with her while you into me is a mistake. "I mean you don't even wanna be with me any way...why not just let this past?"
To think he was talking about shandy but no...I was the mistake.
"Yeah you were a mistake.." I said angry
He stood there shocked, about to say something but I stormed off. I headed for the door and walked, into the woods... I didn't know where I was going but I needed to be far away.
After about 20 minutes into the woods I figured I didn't need to go any farther, even though I was upset I still just wanted to go home or at least go do something...
I had decided to sit down stairs in the theater, yes theater. With Alec and watch psych.
"so what's been up with you and Dane?" Alec shoved a piece of popcorn into his mouth
"Nothing, well whatever it is it's done now.." I wasn't sure if I was going to tell Alec.
"What do you mean hun?" He turned facing me in his seat
I was nervouse, I didn't know if I wanted to tell him. Just as I was about to say nothing Wedge bust in the room.
"I demand answers, where have you been?" She yelled as she came and sat in front of me
" I took a walk, I didn't want to be anywhere close to Dane" I said eating popcorn
"Why not?" Wedge said as she got comfotable taking my cover
" because he slept with Shandy..."
Alec and Wedge both made disapproving faces as they began to gossip and say very,very harsh things about Dane.
"Guys stop, there still your friends"
" we know but being your friend knowing what Brandon did to you they shouldn't of did that" Alec said "Every single one of us knows what it was like to be cheated on"
I looked down, Alec was right. "Your right but maybe they had a good reason, maybe I should hear it out"
"Baby he called you a mistake...if anything Dane should come to you and explain, just wait it out" Alec said
Wedge nodded her head "okay but do you want us to say something because I'm pissed right now" wedge was mad, she wanted to confront Dane and I didn't blame her.
"No, we don't need tension in the house. I'll find a way to keep peace until me and Dane can have a civil conversation" who was I kidding I wanted to beat the crap out of Dane but Tanner hated when we faught.
"I just can't believe them right now.." Wedge said laying down on my shoulder
"Me either.." I laid on Alec's shoulder ad he comforted me by soothing his hand along my backside.
After the movie we decided we needed to do something fun Tanner said he had some lawyer event tonight he had to serve at and he wanted us to attend it with him. In a few months he would receive his masters and he planned on joining a firm his father has started, it would take him a few years but eventually he would take over.
Wedge and I decided to get ready together in her room. It would take about 2 hours so we were blasting music. Which is why we didn't hear Dane come in.
"Hey guys Tanner wanted to know if you guys were buying tickets or wanted him to pay" Dane looked over my figure.
I had on some shorts and a tank I admit my body was on point but I didn't want him looking at me like that, it didn't feel right especially after what he did.
Wedge knew from my look this wasn't a good sign. "We'll buy our own, and knock next time" she said with an additude
He nodded and headed out the door, giving me a sly grin. I hated to admit it but, I had a strong feeling for Dane... A little.
"Please keep me away from Dane tonight" I told wedge as I sat on the bed
"Why?" She said as she looked in the mirror doing her makeup
"Because I like him..."

CYNICAL ( lilly collins)
PovídkyWhen 6 friend Shandy, Tanner, Wedge, Alec, Dane and Alva are separated by the upcoming of college they go there separate ways but not before they make one last memory. Six Years later they make plans but when they see each other they realize high sc...