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A/n: I'm really sorry for the very late updates. I was supposed to update last week but unfortunately, I was at the hospital.

Don't worry chingus, I'll spoil you today and for the next 3 days with updates since there are no classes.

Thank you for everyone who is reading this and have voted and commented at the last chapters~! I love y'all!

BAEKHYUN's Point of View

"I'm glad you came!" Taeyeon shouted at me. I barely heard her because of the loud music that the bar's speakers are producing.

I only smiled at her and muttered "yeah, happy birthday"

She only said 'thanks' and left to entertain her other guests.

"This party is boring" Sehun said. He is just not the party-type of guy. He prefers to stay in a quiet place and read some books than to party. I don't really know why he agreed on coming to this party with me when he could've just brushed me away just like the last 9999938389 times I asked him to party out.

"Learn to have some fun" I said at him as I take another shot of whiskey. Its been a long time since I last tasted alcohol.


He stayed quiet and I stayed thinking about my supposed-to-be 'younger brother'. I wonder who he is? I never actually had the chance to see him because I rushed to this party.

Maybe he's just a little 5-year old boy or a baby that's why he needs to stay with us or maybe--

"HEY BAEKHYUN AND SEHUN, LETS DANCE!" A voice shouted and cheers could be heard from every corner of the bar.

I smirked as Sehun stood up. This man really loves attention, doesn't he?

I guess its our time to be the center of attraction again.

I'll think of that younger brother of mine later. Because for now, its time to party.

3RD PERSON's Point of View

Baekhyun partied out so much that he didn't noticed the time. Its already 2AM and Sehun is the only person who's perfectly sane right now.

Sehun sighed as he see Baekhyun making out with a hot girl in the corner. He wore his ever-so-famous emotionless face before getting his bestfriend from the girl that he is making out with.

As he walked towards them, he can see that Baekhyun already have his buttons undone and the girl is already half naked and her underwear is already visible.

Sehun wanted to throw up.

He rolled his eyes as he dragged Baekhyun up to make him stand up. "What's your problem?!" the girl making out with Baekhyun said. "You" Sehun answered emotionlessly that actually scared the girl and walked out with Baekhyun.

As they walk towards the parking lot, Baekhyun keeps talking nonsense.


"We can't"


"We also can't"

"LETS GO TO EXO PLANET THEN! I WANNA TH--" Before finishing what he will be saying, Baekhyun threw up.

Yep, he's totally wasted.

Baby Brother • BaekYeolWhere stories live. Discover now